Edited on Thu Mar-25-04 08:40 PM by The Lone Liberal
Bush says he will cut the deficit in half by 2009. Lets see how a C- MBA graduate from Harvard will do that piece of legerdemain.
First you assume that the deficit is $675 billion.
That is what you need to cut in half, so the first thing you do is:
Hold Defense spending to 14% as a share of the economy
Next Total Domestic Spending will need to be reduced by 24%
The way you do that is:
Huge cuts in: Science -19% Pollution control -27% Transportation -18% Disaster Relief -49% Education -22% Housing Assistance -33% Law Enforcement -20%
After all that you still have a $501 billion deficit left.
Well its easy, you take all of the Social Security surplus of $263 billion and use it as an offset for the deficit
Viola! You have cut the deficit in half. $237 billion for 2009.
“So there you have it: As our country’s finances go down the toilet, our president and allies purpose trivial or sham spending cuts and a perpetual raid on Social Security trust fund---and still can’t get anywhere near fiscal balance because of reckless tax cutting. Could this be the year that the public starts to see through their dangerous baloney?” Robert S. McIntyre The American Prospect March 2004
Now if you want more? Hang-in for the next show and Bush will have monkeys fly out of his ass.