Edited on Thu Mar-25-04 08:45 PM by linazelle
I hate Jim Thompson. I hated him when he was governor and even moreso now that he's revealing the viciousness that is typical of the CONs in defending Bush. Driving home, he was interviewed on the local CON radio station by two repukes.
Thompson says Clinton AND Bush both did all they could to stop 9/11. How the F**k does he know? He's been retired for years and he's a CON which makes him incapable of recognizing the truth.
He added that Clarke never answered his question yesterday about which was the truth between the resignation letter and the letter defending Bush's position and the details in the book. I recall Clarke answering the question so well that Thompson turned beet red and left the hearings.
Thompson said that if Clarke could resign when he did, he could have resigned before signing on to that letter where he defended Bush. (Hasn't he, or any reasonable person, ever reached a point where things become unbearable? Maybe Clarke had not reached that point when he was asked to vouch for Bush.)
Thompson did say Clarke had an outstanding record of service. He said Clinton had eight years to address the issues and Bush seven months. (They LOVE to count 1-2-3-4..."16 words"..."12 years"....) For a grand finale he said there was no way they could have known what was to happen on 9/11!!!!!! (I'm screaming at the radio at this point.)
The nitwit cohost said something like Clarke seems to be enjoying this whole thing too much. (So??? Does that change the facts?) The bottom line is none of what was said addressed the FACTS.
Who are the morans who accept this tripe unquestioningly? What good is making all the money CONS love so dearly and going to best schools only to succumb to idiocy when it comes to politics that determine the future of our country?
I'm through ranting now. That is all.