Bill O'Reilly came in a short time later and Howard was surprised at how tall the guy was. Howard asked him where he graduated. He graduated from both Harvard and Boston University. He said that he was there at the same time Howard was. He remembered how tall Howard was and how he was the only guy there who was taller than him.
Howard asked Bill about working at Inside Edition and how that helped his career. He said after that show he decided to go back to school. That's when he went to Harvard and got his Masters. He was hoping to become a news analyst after that but it didn't happen.
Howard asked Bill about getting laid as well. Bill said he was just like Howard and wasn't able to get chicks when he was in school. Bill changed subjects and said that he thought there were going to be lesbians there and there were none. Howard told him that Benjy wanted to get naked in front of him. He said Benjy wasn't allowed to get naked and pleasure himself in front of Mayor Giuliani when he was in so he asked to do it in front of Bill. Howard told Benjy to hold off until Donald Rumsfeld comes in.
Howard asked Bill what his deal with porn is. He said he thinks it's wrong for kids to see that stuff. Howard asked him if he ever watched porn as a kid. Bill said he did but he doesn't do that anymore. Robin pointed out that Bill asked Jenna Jameson to send over some of her porn so he could check it out. He said he never saw them though. Howard then asked Bill if he ever pleasured himself. Bill said he did when he was a kid but he doesn't do it now. He said he really didn't start until he was 18 or so. There was no porn in his house when he was growing up.
Bill asked Howard to plug his book so they did that real quick. Howard also gave him a plug for his TV show ''The O'Reilly Factor'' and his radio show ''Radio Factor.''
Howard ended up talking to Bill about how he has people who want to hurt him because of the power he has and what he's said. Howard said he's also got issues with Al Franken so they spent some time talking about that. Bill said he thinks that Franken is posing as a satirist but he's not. He explained that to Howard and then talked about some of the other stuff he doesn't agree with. Bill doesn't like ''Gangsta rap'' and told Howard why he doesn't like it. He said that he is conservative on some things and liberal on others. Howard tried to get Bill to say that Rush Limbaugh is a shill for the Republican party but Bill wouldn't say that.
O'Reilly continued to go off on Al Franken for a couple of minutes. Howard had some tape to play regarding the whole situation. He had tape of Brit Hume talking about the war in Iraq and how the number of people dying over there doesn't seem to be all that big compared to the number of people who die in California every day from accidents and stuff. Al Franken then calls Brit Hume an ''asshole'' and curses him out after that. Bill didn't think it was right for Franken to curse someone out like that at a political function.
Howard asked Bill about the threats he has on his life. Bill said there were some people making threats after he came out against the gangsta rap stuff. He also said that he has been threatened directly by certain people but it's not really an organized group that comes out against him. He went on to say that his book is about how the average guy is getting screwed over. He also told Howard that you have to learn how to read people and figure out who's looking out for you. He and Howard talked about that for a short time and then moved on to some sex talk.
Howard asked Bill about whether or not he has had sex with more than one woman at the same time or with a black woman. He wasn't answering those questions though. Howard said that Bill claims that he has been with thousands of women.
Howard asked bill why he got married but Bill got a little defensive and asked Howard why he got married. Howard said he was in love so Bill said that's why he got married. Howard said he was just trying to find out why he got married. He also asked him if he signed a pre-nuptial agreement. Bill said that he's not talking about that stuff. Bill wouldn't even talk about whether or not he has kids or not.
Chaunce Hayden ( called in and said he saw Bill at a Playboy magazine party a few years ago and he was there with an attractive Asian woman. Bill said he did go but the woman wasn't his wife like Chaunce thought she might be. Bill said he spoke to some of the women at the party and had a fun time but he didn't sleep with any of the models. Howard also asked him if he's ever smoked pot. Bill said he hasn't but he's not against people smoking it. He said he's against making it legal so it's easier for kids to get hold of it. He said right now it's not very easy for kids to get it even though some do get it. He said he would like to see pot decriminalized though.
A listener called in and asked Bill about ''his'' lawsuit against Al Franken. Howard told the guy that it wasn't Bill's case though, it was FOX who was trying to sue Franken. Bill explained that to the guy and moved on. Howard gave Bill a couple of plugs for his book ''Who's Looking Out for You?'' and took some more phone calls after that. One guy told Howard he has to get some hot chicks in there instead of Bill O'Reilly.
Jessica Hahn called in and said she's known Bill for like 15 years. They got to know each other when he was working on Inside Edition. Jessica said they had a lot of fun together doing those shows. Bill said he only knows her professionally, not in any other way. Bill and Robin ended up getting into a little discussion about reparations and whether or not people should be getting them or not.
Howard read that Bill is making $50,000 to $80,000 for making speeches. Howard asked him about that and asked him about what a great way to make money it is. Howard said he'd love to do something like that but he has nothing to talk about. Bill said he can talk about anything he wants to for an hour or so and they'd be happy.
Prank caller Captain Janks called in and said he did a prank call to FOX news a while back and Bill had some derogatory comments to say about Howard. Janks said that Bill said that Howard has no business being on that channel and all of his fans are idiots. Bill said he never said that and asked him if he had tape of it. Janks said he spent 15 minutes looking for the tape and couldn't find it. Bill denied ever saying that stuff and Howard had to go with him on that because Janks didn't have proof. Janks asked Bill one last question before getting off the phone. He asked Bill if he's ever had a ''rusty trombone.'' Bill said he didn't even know what that was. Howard wrapped up the segment a short time after that and went to commercial break.