Take the Gore states. Lock them down early (I hope the nomination is over ASAP).
Force Bush to defend: Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Nevada, West Virginia, New Hampshire. Release fake polls showing Dean barely ahead or tied in them; it may be a tad unethical, but it's perfectly legal and it fires-up the Dem troops in these states.
Practically live in these states in the last two weeks: PA/MI/FL/MN/OH.
For these five states: 1) Mention situations specific to each of them in the nomination speech so that their residents know we're thinking of them. 2) Seek to suppress GOP turnout with billboards in rural areas touting how "liberal" bush has been on certain issues (praise for the affirmative action ruling, nomination of a gay ambassador, not fighting immigration from Mexico, non-military spending). Go door-to-door in Democratic strongholds with absentee ballots. If we get voters to vote early, the lines on election day are shorter, we have more of a paper trail, and we pick-up those unlikely to show-up to the polls. 5% more turnout makes a BIG difference. 3) Run a different ad in newspapers across each state detailing how Bush fails and how a Dean-Graham will work. Tailor the message to each paper's region. This is a cheap and effective strategy; a new message twice a week gets attention all by itself. 4) Early on, encourage wealthy Democrats to move to these states (esp FL and OH), even if it's temporary. Example: A Democrat moving from hopeless Utah to one of these has more of a chance of helping defeat Bush.
=========================================================== Ross Perot ran very effective infomercials. So effective, in fact, that he ran the lead for a while in 1992. His deficit, job, and economy charts may have seemed cheesy, but they were effective. Run an infomercial on Monday night, November 1, 2004. As many as 10% of voters are undecided, and this might be the nudge into our corner that tips the scales.
With a Dean-Graham infomercial, there are certain key advantages. 1) First, we control the message. We paint a positive tone and present a clear and hopeful future for America. 2) No pundits getting in the way. Usually after a big campaign event, the talking heads come on and tell viewers how to feel about what they just saw. With an infomercial squeezed between programs, viewers get to watch and then decide for themselves how they feel. 3) Bush gets his convention bounce after we get ours. To be honest, this scares the holy shit out of me because the ticket who gets "the last word" usually wins. Dukakais was ahead by 20% after his convention, and then Poppa Bush had his and wiped it out. The Chimp had his convention and was up by about 15%, but Gore's bounce brought the race to a tie. If our convention bounce ties us at least and gives us at most a 10% lead, Bush's bounce could put us away. But an infomercial could be how we get "the last word" with the voters. Just like Perot experienced mini-bounces after his infomercials, they could work their magic for the Dean-Graham ticket.
If we do anything - GOTV, GOP vote suppression, local paper ads - do the infomercials first. They're proven to work. This all put-together is how a Dean-Graham ticket wins.