Can't you get rid of this guy?
From moonwatcher@bartcop:
According to the moonie state senator, Anderson, the state already has a law to discriminate against gays, now he is pushing to have the AZ State legislator ask the U.S. congress to do the constitutional amendment thing.
Mark Anderson, like all moonies, is doing as he has been trained to think and do. When I keep harping at the fact that Moon financed, molded, and enabled the new right we are dealing with today, just picture hundreds of moonies like Mr. Anderson moving among these groups, with their money and agenda, as they were getting their moon molded 'conservative' legs - always keeping the higher ups informed, always driving the ball toward a more theocratic government, ALWAYS promoting Moon's agenda ALWAYS doing the work Moon has them trained to do. We are not talking about Kennedy and the Pope here folks. - State senators voted 15-10 Thursday to ask Congress to approve a U.S. constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, after debate that was often emotional and angry.
But the measure, which already passed the House on a 41-19 margin, still needs final Senate approval.
That will take 16 affirmative votes. The proposal's prime Senate sponsor, Mark Anderson, R-Mesa, conceded all five senators who were absent for Thursday's vote have told him they do not support what he's trying to do.
But Anderson said he intends to approach each one and ask them if, based on comments from their constituents, they might change their minds.
Tempers flared when Sen. Bill Brotherton, D-Phoenix, a foe of the amendment, said lawmakers should be tolerant of the beliefs of others.
He said, for example, some religions believe in mass marriages - a clear reference to Anderson, who is a member of the Unification Church, founded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, which traditionally performs that kind of ceremony.
"It's a minority view, I would think," Brotherton said. "Yet we don't bring it up, we don't throw stones at it, we don't question the sincerity of those beliefs that he has and we don't throw derision on those beliefs or that lifestyle."
That brought an objection from Sen. Robert Blendu, R-Litchfield Park, who said Senate rules prohibit members from maligning one another. Brotherton said he was doing no such thing.
Anderson said giving gay marriages equal footing with heterosexual unions would effectively overturn state laws that prohibit teaching homosexuality as part of sex education courses in public schools.
Cheuvront said the goal of the proposed amendment is more personal. "What we're trying to do is enshrine in this Constitution the ability to treat me as a second-class citizen," he said.
No date is scheduled for the final Senate vote, and Anderson can put it off as long as necessary to round up the votes.
Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano won't have an opportunity to veto the resolution because it would be sent directly to Congress if passed.
_____________ cited a newspaper article that had statistics about the rise in sexually transmitted diseases among homosexual men. The article alleged that gay men were likely to look for anonymous lovers on the Internet. Anderson used the article as evidence that gay marriage was socially and medically destructive.
"We as government have a role and responsibility to promote healthy lifestyles and healthy environments for children, and I think we do ourselves a disservice to encourage lifestyles that do not do that," Anderson said.
Anderson also said allowing gay marriage could lead to schools teaching homosexuality.
"Children are going to be confused. They are going to have to ask themselves a question perhaps on a test: 'Are you gay? Are you straight or what?'" Anderson said.
Anderson also suggested that people aren't born gay and that failure to ban gay marriage could lead to legalizing polygamy.
"The message that we are sending is to reinforce the efforts of those who don't want four people in Massachusetts to undermine the most beneficial institution in our society," Anderson said.
From Rick Ross' site. Ross had an exchange with Anderson in 1998.'s ties with Rev. Moon in question-- Lawmaker denies claims that church controls him
The Mesa Tribune/August 9, 1998
By Dan Nowicki
A state lawmaker quietly has been working to advance the political agenda of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the controversial founder of the Unification Church, a nationally recognized cult expert is charging.
Various documents obtained by The Tribune also, show state Rep. Mark Anderson's legislative activities are closely tied to Moon's agenda. For his part, Anderson concedes his legislative priorities reflect Moon's position on many issues, but he adamantly disputes claims he is acting on behalf of Moon or the Unification Church.
Still, the Mesa Republican's activities are renewing debate at the state Capitol over the line between state business and church business for elected leaders.
Anderson's efforts on behalf of one church-member-supported cause--National Parents Day--got him a bill for $404 from the House of Representatives demanding reimbursement for state supplies and staff time he spent on the project.
"Mark Anderson is a dedicated member (of Moon's Unification Church) who has spent more than half of his life--virtually all of his adult life--as a devoted follower of 'Father' as they call him," said Rick Ross a Phoenix-based cult expert, lecturer and consultant who has been following Anderson's legislative career closely over the past several months.
"I would say he's a hard-core member who has proven himself repeatedly to Father, and now he's about the Father's business in a very trusted position," Ross said. "He is involved in a network that Moon has nurtured and worked to establish for many years."
______ tolerance essential to America
My turn The Mesa Tribune/August 1998 By Mark Anderson
Last Sunday I came home from a weekend fishing trip with my family and opened up The Tribune. I was featured in a three-page article attacking me for being a member of a minority religion and suggesting that because of that I can't be trusted to represent all the people of my district.
I was first given the honor of representing the 29th District in the Arizona State Legislature in 1994. In the past four years, I have worked with moms and dads, teachers, ministers, college students, business people, social service providers and many fine public servants. It never occurred to me to ask what religion they were.
____, in fact, is fronting for a dangerous cult
The Mesa Tribune/August 23, 1998 By Rick Ross
Mark Anderson recently responded to articles published about him in The Tribune by claiming he is being attacked "as a member of a minority religion." It seems "minority religion" is his euphemism for a more common description associated with Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church-a "destructive cult."
Mr. Anderson avoided the real questions raised by The Tribune's articles. That is, to what extent does Rev. Moon influence his legislative agenda?
Rev. Moon leaves little doubt what he expects, stating:
"Therefore, as individuals and families you have to absolutely follow True Parents (Mr. and Mrs. Moon). Your opinion cannot stand against True Parents."
"You must understand what I have in mind and take my commands as strict orders."
"Let's say there are 500 sons and daughters like you in each state. Then we could control the government.... The time will come, without my seeking it, that my words will almost sense as law. If I ask a certain thing, it will be - done. If I don't want something, it will not be done."
"The true sovereign is not the American president nor the English king, but the Lord of the Second Advent (that is, Rev. Moon)" "... Americans must listen to me and follow me."
Mr. Anderson's legislative record suggests that he has obediently followed Rev. Moon's commands. He admits heading the American Constitution Committee for Arizona-essentially a Unification Church entity- and has supported one legislative measure after another clearly initiated and/or recommended by the Unification Church.