What does it mean?
I read the article in In These Times that documents were recently declassified that China has been helping Libya, Iran, and North Korea develop nuclear missiles that could target New York. Now we read that Cheny is going to visit China, Japan, & South Korea. Did the BFEE decide to get regime change under way in North Korea before they leave office? If so, how?
http://www.inthesetimes.com/comments.php?id=658_0_2_0_C White House downplays reports that country gave weapons plans to Pakistan
By Jehangir Pocha | 3.18.04
Bejing—Documents declassified March 6 indicate that while President Bush was crusading against Iraq’s mythical nuclear program, three other “axis of evil” countries—Libya, Iran and North Korea—were building nuclear weapons that could reach New York using missile designs provided by Pakistan and China, both of whom are U.S. allies in the war against terror.
The documents, dating from 1965 to 1997, reveal that “China provided assistance to Pakistan’s program to develop a nuclear weapon capability” and stalled U.S. investigations through deceptions, false promises and lies. And even today, the CIA cannot confirm that China has cut illicit nuclear ties with its client states.
By Bush’s own definition this should crown the China-Pakistan axis as the most evil of them all. Yet the White House is trying to dismiss China’s violation of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty as a momentary lapse that belongs to the past....