Perhaps the Bush WH had better lighten up on Richard Clarke, a long time and well respected Terrorism specialist ... Perhaps Mr. Clarke has more arrows in his quiver ?? ...
PLEASE Note: .. The Bush WH has been falling over itself to insist they did EVERYTHING they could to protect the nation, and that they pursued Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden with all the vigor that could be mustered ...
Well: ... In DU Lounge I find this story ....
Did YOU know that Richard Clarke was 'good friends' with John ONeill ???? ....
Neither did I ...
From Asia Times: ... New light on the life and death of John O'Neill
By Tom Griffin
LONDON - Former White House counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke has rocked the Bush administration with his criticism of the "war on terror". However, doubts about the administration's commitment to the fight against al-Qaeda are not new.
"I called and John answered the phone. I said, 'Who's this'? He responded, 'Well, who the hell are you? I'm John O'Neill'. I explained, 'I'm from the White House. I do terrorism. I need some help'."
O'Neill had never worked on the case before, but together with Clarke he manned the phones coordinating the capture of Yousef before he could slip over the border into Afghanistan. It was, according to Clarke, "the beginning of a beautiful friendship".
Those interviews are still so far the only ones in which Clarke has elaborated on the role of John O'Neill, and that means that there may yet be further revelations about the obstacles O'Neill faced, the reasons he left the FBI and the source of the leak to the New York Times about his departure.
-snip- (sorry for the snips, rules rules rules)
IF Clarke was such good friends with John ONeill, and worked side by side with him in his fight against Terror ... Then what could Clarke know of the obstacles ONeill faced in Afghanistan ??? ..
Wow: .. the answer is PLENTY ...
Clarke MAY have the goods on both;
1) The fawning Bush diplomatic mission waged on the Taliban for the benefit of UNOCAL and Halliburton .. NOT to 'pursue the terrorists', but to enrich the corporate friends of the GOP AT THE EXPENSE of american safety and security ....
2) What was contained in the Energy Task Force documents ... SURELY he was affected by those same obstacles which restricted the fight against Terror in Afghanistan .... Those documents probably contain VERY damning material regarding Afghanistan in early 2001 ...
Ohhh boy, Ladies and Gentlemen: ...
Clarke MAY be the Golden Goose ...
Clarke MAY be this century's 'Deep Throat" ...
He has already damaged the Bush administration .. and with DIRECT knowledge of the Bush team's actions in Afghanistan in early to mid 2001, he could knock them out of the park ...
Mewonders: .. Will the GOP try to cover their losses, and STOP fucking with Clarke ? ... Will they try to stop the damage, and try to simply FORGET him ? ...
Or ? .. will they piss him off ? ..
Stay tuned .....