Edited on Sun Mar-28-04 09:19 PM by TruthIsAll
then they are today. The quality of our congressional reps and senators has diminished greatly, except for a few like Kucinich and Waxman and Wellstone (rest his soul) and other liberals.
Just look at the good ones, they have been around awhile: Jeffords, Kennedy, Byrd, Graham, etc. Hillary is plenty smart, though.
I don't know what happened to guys like Biden and Lieberman.
Otherwise, there has been a dumbing-down across the board in Congress, primarily on the Repuke side, of course.
As for the Repukes, who do we have now? DeLay, Frist, Hastert, Zell Miller (he's a DINO), Saxby Chambliss, Pataki (a governor). What a vicious, evil, history-challenged bunch. Of course, Bush takes the cake.
Hey, if the general population has been dumbed-down, could we expect otherwise from the politicians?
Sometimes I think we know more than they do, with online access to information at our fingertips, while these jokers mangle the truth. They are so arrogant in thinking that we are as stupid and ill-informed as they, while they are consumed with just one thing - robbing us blind.