Many of you will remember that in early December, U.S. troops raided the headquarters of the Iraqi Federation of Workers Trade Unions (IFTU). During the raid, the troops sealed the building -- and today, more than 3 months later, the building is still sealed. The emerging democratic, independent trade union movement in Iraq is working without a headquarters, without office equipment, and without funds. Today, as in December, they are appealing to us to help.
The IFTU has a website in English and Arabic and as of today, it has a facility for you to make donations online, securely, using your credit cards. You can see this by going to their site at and clicking on "Make a donation" in the upper right corner.
If every individual reading this message were to send just $10 or £5 to the IFTU, the organization would be enormously strengthened -- and it would be able to get on with the job of building a free and independent trade union movement in Iraq.
Please give generously. Thanks.