Before Condoleeza went on 60 minutes, she had stated that she could not testify under oath to a Senate Committee because it would break a long standing precedent. Ed let her slide on this by not being prepared.
First of all, the National Security Adviser position was only created 50 years ago. In that period of time, there have been few crises that would cause a committee to need to speak with a NSA. In the last 50 years, 9/11 is without a doubt a topic that any Senate Committee would need sworn testimony from the government's key adviser on national security. Condoleeza is endangering the lives and welfare of thousands of Americans by her actions. The 9/11 committee's purpose is to recommend corrective actions that government can take to prevent more 9/11's. Their mission is seriously compromised if the key members of government with responsibility for implementing those recommendations do not participate UNDER OATH in the investigation.
Secondly, Condoleeza lied about not being able to find any precedent for a NSA testifying before a Senate Committee.
Well, here is an example of testimony by Sandy Berger on (coincidently enough) 9/11/1997 to the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee.
Sandy Berger Testimony 9/11/1997Ed, you are derelict in your duties as a journalist to let Rice get on national TV to tell lies and pass out propaganda unchallenged. Everyone knew what the administration's position on this issue was, and it is easily shown to be lies with a 2 minute Google search.
Condi, you are an incompetent liar, just as you are an incompetent NSA. Clearly we know that every word out of your mouth is a lie, but you ought to realize that most people are not as stupid as your constituency. Many of us read, have access to search engines, and can use the Internet to let millions know the truth about you. It's getting harder and harder to hide behind the compliant and complicit media.
I realize that John Ashcroft, the imbecile in chief, and you are working toward controlling the Internet to take away our freedom to share information freely. Meanwhile, I will be working to see that you are removed from office ASAP. Here's hoping that you remain an incompetent blustering fool. Your demise in November can come none to soon.