I stumbled across an article today that compares the efforts to give gays and lesbians the right to marry to a gang rape of America. No, really. You can check it out yourself at:
http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/3/292004mc.aspBecause they don't allow the masses to post at their web site, and don't have a "letters to the editor" section, I had to respond via a private e-mail to the idiot who wrote this e-mail. I encourage like-minded people to do the same -- you can reach him at calact@aol.com. For what's it worth, here's the text of my e-mail:
I just read your latest gay-bashing article (dated March 29, 2004), and it is so offensive on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin.
Let's start with your intentional misrepresentation of scripture. You certainly know that nothing in the Bible says that the angels who visited Sodom were "handsome," and it is a non sequitur to suggest that the masses at the door said they wanted to "sodomize" the angels, since that term didn't exist until this story was misconstrued, centuries later. It also is preposterous to suggest that the men seeking to rape the angels argued they had a "constitutional" right to do so.
You did get it right, however, in characterizing those men's actions as an attempted gang rape. At most, then, the story of Sodom is a condemnation of a massive gang-rape. Saying that a story about homosexual rape condemns all consensual homosexual sex is identical to saying that a story of heterosexual rape condemns all consensual heterosexual sex. But unless you stopped reading the Bible after the first three books (I'm sure you're a huge fan of Leviticus), you must know what the real sin of Sodom was: "As I live, says the Lord God ... This was the sin of your sister city of Sodom: she and her suburbs had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not help or encourage the poor and needy. They were arrogant and this was abominable in my eyes." Ezekiel 16:48-49. Thus, to be true to Scripture, "Sodomite" should be used to refer to, say, Republicans -- not to homosexuals.
Your comparison of people seeking civil and human rights to gang rapists is not just deeply offensive to gays and lesbians, whom you are intending to attack (WWJD? He never bothered to mention homosexuality). Your hateful diatribe also is deeply offensive to victims of sexual assault. I hope that victims' rights groups get ahold of your article. Ask a woman who has been thrown to the ground and sexually assaulted at knifepoint how that experience compares to a clerk issuing a marriage license. Do you have any concept of, or concern for, your intense cruelty?
Finally, where are your articles using this same hate-filled language about people marrying outside their race, also condemned by the Old Testament and opposed at one time by a majority of Americans, until "activist" judges got involved? Or what about people who remarry after a divorce for grounds other than adultery. Jesus made it very clear that this is forbidden (while, again, not ever mentioning homosexuality). Should there be a constitutional amendment to ban people from getting married if they've been divorced for any reason other than adultery? Wouldn't that protect "traditional" marriage? And isn't that a larger-scale occurrence than gay marriage?
For the record, I am a straight, lifelong member of the Churches of Christ, and am very involved in my church. I also am a lawyer and, accordingly, a huge fan of the United States Constitution, which permits each of us to practice our religious beliefs without imposing them on others (the Holy Spirit convicts people of their sins, and that job is simply not open to the rest of us). So, sorry, but you cannot paint me with the brush with which you tend to paint people who disagree with you.
I dare you to post this response on agapepress.org and other web sites on which you participate. I am certain that you won't, and that you will continue your hurtful hate-mongering without acknowledging any challenges to your position.
I will pray for you, and others of your ilk who continue to do a great disservice to the cause, and name, of my Lord Jesus Christ.