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Who Does Clarke REALLY Hurt?--Use logic (I'm ticked)

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BabsSong Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 06:49 PM
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Who Does Clarke REALLY Hurt?--Use logic (I'm ticked)
Use logic..I'm so patently sick of these overpaid analysts who can't analyze their way out of a paper bag and certain polls that are true propaganda tools.

Do you think that people who don't like Bush to begin with would react to Clarke's message by running out and saying "oh my god...I will now support Bush"? Of course not. It makes them even more hating of the guy. So, any fallout (and I'll get to that in a minute) comes from two sources.

It comes from republicans who supported him or independents who support Bush or lean towards him. Polls now show that on the "leadership against terror" blah, blah, that Bush has slipped from 70% (and in others 65%) to 57%. That slippage comes entirely from the latter two groups I just mentioned. The slippage is totally from the Bush side of the ledger. Now, look at this much touted Newsweek Poll (total garbage) in this light.

I saw their question of whether "these things from Clarke made you CHANGE your opinon of Bush". They say 65% say "no". If they asked YOU if it changed your mind, you would say "no" because you thought him a lying bastard to begin with and thus it didn't change your mind about him. People like you are part of that 65% statistic (it was a totally bogus question--entrapment, if you will). But they didn't address the 35% who DID change their mainds---and like I just pointed out above, this wasn't from the "hate Bush crowd" it was from Bush's side of the ledger. That is REAl damaging to him. They know it. They spin it and they are LIARS by what they don't reveal to the public. The public doesn't use logic and they know it.
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mzmolly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 06:51 PM
Response to Original message
1. Yes indeed. Right wing spin.
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childslibrarian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 07:01 PM
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2. You are so right
Thank you for the post. I was just saying today that Americans--40% Repub and 40% dems have made up their mind. It's now down to swing voters--and getting the vote out for those Dems who want to vote...
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IronLionZion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 08:03 PM
Response to Reply #2
7. What is up with the 40/40 thing?
when it comes to voter registrations, Democrats are the biggest group.
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EstimatedProphet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 07:12 PM
Response to Original message
3. One reason why they do that
It DOES have an effect on the outcome when the pundits go on about candidate X, because there's 1) a lot of people in this country who vote for who they think will win (they don't want to think they've voted for a loser) and 2) if one side or the other feels like their candidate has very little chance, they are likely not to vote at all.

So, when people say "well, those are just talking heads talking", remind them they do have an effect. It's not likely to be much of one this early, but the talking heads could have a large effect closer to the election.
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BabsSong Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 07:31 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Estimated--that's why these talking heads and these analysts are
just part of the propaganda stream. I can't believe how they set people up in these polls and then explain them to America. While a lot of them are "bought" whores; I truly think that some of them with high credentials and big salaries just cannot apply basic logic and figure things out. How many of them swallowed the Newsweek poll and didn't apply the logic that I just outlined??--none of them.
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i_c_a_White_Ghost Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 07:43 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. Nothing to worry about
Kerry is in fine shape here's why:

The country has been solely focused on the one issue that bush is strongest at, and that's fighting terrorism! Now with this in mind, like that newsday poll says, 35% of his 'loose base' is having serious doubts. His other 65% hardcore will go down with him no matter what.

So with so much emphasis lately on 9/11, terrorism, etc. in the media, it is no wonder bush's numbers might actually look better than other surveys taken pre-clarke etc.

However, it's an illusion. Bush has nowhere to go but down I believe because:

1) His base is rallying around him now because of all the questions regarding 9/11, Iraq, etc. - that's to be expected.

2) His soft support is getting softer. Sure, they still like the man, but now they can be persuaded to 1) Jump ship or 2) Not Vote (stay home). But for now they will say to a pollster 'I support Bush'

3) His support among 'swing voters' independents has been weak all along. The latest CNN poll has shown no change in this pattern!

4) He's pissing off even more people (the condi affect) etc. to motivate the 'dean supporters' and grassrooters to rally eventually around Kerry for the 'Anyone but Bush' mantra!

5) The amazing part is that Bush still has the support of Dem voters, around 14% last I checked. This will be the first part to erode as more damning events take place against the president.

6) Finally Kerry has yet to really campaign or run ads against bush! This will begin soon and once it does 'he should begin to take back some of the 'soft dems', motivate the 'dean dems', 'convince the 'swing voters' and possibly take some 'soft repubs' to his side. It will depend on how well Kerry campaigns.

I have no doubt in my mind that Bush has been weakened big time.

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EstimatedProphet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 08:10 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. I don't disagree
I think the who;e Clarke thing hasn't been given enough time yet. In a couple of weeks we'll really know the extent of the damage.
Of course, part of why the asinine media is pushing polls on it so hard now, is to try to burn the topic out before its time, and make voters tired of thinking about it.
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Blasphemer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 07:35 PM
Response to Original message
5. Yep...
Also supported by the gallup poll which they spin positvely but in fact more independents believe Clarke than BushCo and more than 50% think they are hiding something. Their internal polls are probably even worse. Of course it hurts - how could it not? At the VERY least, it takes them off message. Their feeble attempts to discuss the Economy have fallen flat. This is their only issue and they are in a panic.
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0007 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-29-04 08:07 PM
Response to Reply #5
8. You got the picture, cuz I don't see it any differently.
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