This may be of interest to you all: 911,000 Man March
For the love of our country, and in a spirit of civic duty and patriotism, we propose assembling to march in Washington, D.C. and other cities across the country to peacefully express our universal concern: that the events surrounding Septemember 11 and the devastating murder of over 3000 innocents on that day be more thoroughly investigated - and that all findings be treated to the fullest possible public disclosure, so that the truth not be permitted to sink into a void of doubt, conjecture, and suspicion.
It is vital to future of our nation that questions regarding 9/11 be fully and publicly addressed. We believe the process of developing and publicizing a 911,000 Man/Woman March will create opportunities for bringing greater awareness to unresolved questions and concerns. We see these concerns being expressed through various media and we intend to amplify those that are legitimate, credible, and based upon fact. We make no prejudgements or assumptions in doing so. Apart from the mass of often contradictory accounts and explanations about the attacks and our government's response that day, recent developments in the two major investigations of 9/11 amply demonstrate the need for action. These developments include the redaction of 28 pages of the Senate Report (a move opposed by both Democrats and Republicans on the committee), and the recent complaints made by the Independent 9/11 Commission regarding witness intimidation and stonewalling on the part of NORAD and the Pentagon.
We believe that a calm, inclusive, and highly visible public dialogue is essential as we seek to understand the trauma our nation has suffered. Your input is essential if we are to move forward.
What key questions about 9/11 still need to be resolved? How may we bring wider media attention to difficult questions? What would a 911,000 Man/Woman/Child March look like? What might it achieve? How can we use modern technology to transcend the limits of typical mass media coverage, and broadcast or reach directly to the public? What symbolic actions or written resolutions should be incorporated into the event? Should acts of peaceful civil disobedience be considered in order to increase visibility? What is the best timing for such an event? What features and information should this web site include if we move forward? We wish to articulate an unflinching, responsible, thorough, and level-headed message, and we ask for your help.
Please e-mail us with your thoughts, that we may post them here....In composing our message and assessing the viability of this proposed action we ask for help from the community at large, those experienced in coordinating and planning such events, and especially those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001.
Proposed Dates (All Saturdays, in 2003):
Oct 11, Nov. 8, Nov. 15, Dec. 6,
or: a date in 2004
We are interested in the possibility of staging events over a 2 day period.
Formal inquiries to Park Service Police regarding permits, fees, and logistics have not yet been made.
Construction of this site was begun July 31, 2003, and continues...
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