Edited on Thu Aug-07-03 01:28 PM by inthecorneroverhere
I rarely post here, although I sometimes post in the Lounge and occasionally in LBN. Let's get away from the negativity that's been permeating this space. I want to 'toss out' a positive idea for discussion: How to manage a national healthcare system? This is the sort of topic that I believe we should be discussing on this board as a potential :dem: proposal. This is in contrast to all the negative vibes that have been around lately about religion, lack thereof, etc.
If you or your favorite candidate were elected President in 2004, and wished to bring about a national healthcare plan, how would you do it? Let's say that at least one house of Congress falls to the Dem's, so there is a reasonable chance of getting legislation through.
There are numerous health care possibilities. I'm going to list a few that I can think of, but there are many others. The 'proposals' are all different, and some are 'devils advocate.' I'm sure that some will be liked and others vehemently disliked. I deliberately made some of the ideas either very expensive or kind of like non-proposals, where the problem isn't really solved and the situation remains the same as before. That's the idea - to promote rational discussion of different ideas.
Here they are!
1. -First, reduce the deficit to a certain percentage of the Federal Budget, let's say 5% or 10%. Then, quickly emplace a one-payer system similar to the NHS in Great Britain. Emplace the entire thing at once. Emplace it before the four year term is up, to avoid the possibility of an election year 2000 disaster with a Dem leaving office with a balanced budget and a Repuke entering office bent on running the budget into the ground to destroy domestic programs.
2. -Phase in a one-payer system starting almost immediately, but do it over a period of several years. First phase starts by expanding Medicare coverage to people 55-65 and 0-5 years of age. Second phase covers people 45-55. Third phase covers people 35-45 and all children through age 18. Fourth phase covers everyone e.g. gets the people 18-35 involved as well.
3. -Install a universal health plan that is based on a 'contract' between the individual and the health care provider, which is a version of your friendly local Army hospital, only now there are thousands of such facilities all across the country. In order to qualify for subsidies, the individual has to actively participate in his or her own health maintenance by choosing a healthy diet and by exercising. The universal health care plan is based on the military health care system. Part of the universal health care system is the formation of 'exercise groups' that do all sorts of things from rowing to soccer to running to distance walking to tennis. PT tests are a part of the health care plan, although civilians don't have to do as many pushups, situps or as fast a run as service people do! Basically, people who continue to have high-risk behaviors like smoking will pay more money for things like checkups than would someone who walks 3 miles per day and doesn't smoke. Europeans gasp at the plan and remark about the 'health-care dictatorship' in the U.S. but travelers are amazed at how fit Americans have suddenly become. Many state governers are now built like 'Ahnuld' and have biceps like Jesse Ventura. Stocks of fast food chains plummet while stocks of new firms doing organic gardening skyrocket.
4. -Rather than a one-payer plan, promote universal coverage by pressuring each of the 50 states to enact laws saying that health insurance is 'mandatory' like car insurance. Some states would of course enact such laws more quickly than others. Each state is free to do whatever it wants about people who can't afford to buy the insurance. This is sort of the 'states' rights approach to health care.
5. -First, install relatively universal prescription drug coverage for all persons ages 45 and over and all persons ages 0-10 years of age. Coverage pays 100% of prescription costs up to $4,000/year and 80% thereafter, with no 'gaps.' Second phase covers prescriptions for everybody in the same fashion. Third phase is a Federal law that says everyone needs to have health insurance. Corporations, as well as small businesses, are given tax incentives to insure their employees. Those who are not insured and can afford it can choose which insurance provider to belong to. Those who cannot afford insurance receive vouchers to pay for the insurance.
6. -Merely write into a place a law that says, by 2010, that everyone needs to have health insurance. Don't do anything in the way of incentives for employers or individuals to buy insurance. It's everyone's own responsibility to buy insurance whether they can afford it or not.
7. Dem's should do nothing about health care. It's the individual's own responsibility.
8. -Put Bill Gates in jail on antitrust charges, confiscate all his money, and use the funds to finance universal health care for all children ages 0-18 and for all persons 50 and over.
9. -Keep health care in private hands as it is now, but Bust the Trusts! No pharmaceutical, insurance, or health care company may hold more than 5% of the market for all health insurance combined, all pharmaceuticals, or all health care providing and management. In other words, Pfizer can't make more than 5% of the total pharma sales in the U.S.
edit: added proposal no. 9