Edited on Tue Mar-30-04 02:34 PM by Kimber Scott
without first addressing the source of the hate - our hypocritical foreign policy. So, since that's not being done, the fact there have been no terrorist attacks since 9/11/01 probably has more to do with the terrorist's itinerary than anything we've done, or not done, so far. I think what I am trying to say is, the terrorists will attack when they are ready, unless we get lucky law enforcement-wise and catch them in time, which may have happened pre-9/11, if somebody were paying attention.
I think it's folly to assume the terrorists really care who our president is. They've attacked under the leadership of both parties. They did not attack us on 9/11 because George Bush is an idiot. (Obviously, I don't subscribe to the MIHOP theory, or even the LIHOP theory. I subscribe to the Arrogant Asshole Theory.) I think something big is on the horizon. Whether, or not, the terrorists do it around the election, or not, has nothing to do with their "politics." It will have everything to do with how much destruction they can do to this country, physically, socially and economically. They won't be asking for our voter registration cards before they decide whether to kill us, or not, and when Kerry wins the election, I can guarantee you they won't say, "Oh, well we like this guy, so let's be nice to them now."
Thanks to Clarke and a lot of other people, George Bush cannot claim he can keep us safe from "terrists." (Although, I always wondered why he tried, when it was under his watch, we were attacked. Whether is was his "fault" or not, he was steering the boat. He shouldn't be able to brag about that, period.)
What I'm trying to get to, though, and maybe I took a long way to it, is we have to be careful not to fall into an "enemy of my enemy" trap. Which is the impression I get from a lot of the posts on here. I don't think anybody here sides with terrorists, but sometimes it sounds like we'd take some kind of joy in another attack. Like it proved us "right," or something. I don't want to be attacked by terrorists again, no matter who the president is and they will attack us, no matter who the president is. Does that make sense? I hate George Bush with every cell of my being, but I hate terrorists more. Let's not take any false comfort in thinking they're on "our side."
edited for spelling