Anyone who has a child in High School, please read the entire article excerpted below with a link. It would be easy for you to miss receiving this school notice in the mail. Or maybe it might get lost in the mail. Please be proactive and contact the school if you do not wish military recruiters to contact your child. Why is NCLB funding tied to military recruiting? It's disgusting.
On a seperate but related note, I just saw a commercial on MTV. Isn't the primary MTV audience teenagers? The commercial is made to look like an Ad for some exciting new Play Station war game. But no, it's an Army recruitment Ad. "Special Forces Soldier - Think you're up to it?" It's disgusting. Here's a link that's shown at the end of the commercial. The link brings you to a questionnaire and gives info on ordering a recruitment video: here's the NCLB article:
Watch out for this school note
Paul Vitello
March 30, 2004
The various notices from the school pour into our house daily like some slot machine jackpot of pre-sorted mail. Some days, it's one or two pieces. Some weeks, it seems like hundreds - announcing board meetings, PTA meetings, book sales, sports schedules, bus schedules, interim grades, yearbook pictures, invitations, permission slips, health notices...
It is a wide and deep river of paper, and in the currents it would be easy to miss the school notification required under Sec. 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
It is the one required under the "Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students" section of the "No Child" law. It says that school officials are required to turn over to U.S. military recruiters the names, addresses and phone numbers of every child - male and female - enrolled in the ninth, 10th, 11th and 12 grades of your school system.
The school notice will inform you of this, and offer you a Do Not Call option whereby your child's name can be withheld from the list. If you do nothing, the recruiters may call day or night, and say what they will about the opportunities awaiting your child in the armed forces.
To put the onus where it belongs, any school that does not turn over those names risks losing its federal funding under the law. For some schools, that means a lot of money.,0,3467841.column?coll=ny-li-columnists