The big spin that Condi and the right wingers are putting on this issue of Bush's gross national security negligence leading up to 9/11 is conflating protecting America with the 'war on terror'.
BushCo left America open to attack with their dismissal of all manner of warnings and recommendations about an impending terrorist attack. They didn't do anything. Clarke revealed that, but we already knew. A few of the news programs even pointed out that Bush himself had admitted as much to Bob Woodward. You've all seen the stats. A new one, at least for me, was Clarke telling Jon Stewart that the Bush administration held 100 'principals' meetings, and only one was on the threat of terrorism. Clarke sounded flabbergasted as he related that fact. There are many such indicators of just how totally negligent the Bush administration had been regarding terrorist threats to America.
Yet, when the questions come to Condi she talks about everything but. She talks about how 'previous' administrations didn't get bin Laden. She talks about increasing funding for intelligence operations. She talks about plans for a more 'robust' response to al Qaeda. She talks and talks and says nothing about protecting America. You've probably seen the most common form of this argument as: 'Clinton had eight years to get bin Laden while Bush had only eight months.' It's a completely inverted premise. The issue of domestic security is: 'Clinton kept America safe for eight years while Bush didn't keep us safe for eight months.'
The plan is to put Bush's failure to protect America behind a smokescreen of generalities about fighting the broader war on terror and how, essentially, because Clinton didn't kill al Qaeda, then BushCo did just as good in not getting al Qaeda.
Except that what is at issue regarding 9/11 is specifically the failure to protect America. Not the failure to stop worldwide terrorism. That's the difference that the members of the 9/11 commission have to keep separated when they question Rice.
What did you do TO PROTECT AMERICA, Condi?