It's been noted here how the Freepers and others load up these type of shows with callers, and it's been relentless over the past week in specific.
From my knowledge of the screening process, a caller has to go through at least 2 checks...verifying both their "affiliation" and the topic they want to speak on...both are then logged on a computer screen the host can then see (as well as the city).
Yep, good screeners are hard to find, and most not only screen the calls but are running equipment or doing 1 of 26 other things, but regulars can be easily noticed and this isn't broadcasting 101...C-Span gets millions of our cable dollars a year...hopefully they're paying screeners more than minimum wage.
It's hard not to notice the barage of the Repugnican machine. We're witnessing a dry run of what to expect this fall...the non-stop use of all media and the game of making the loudest noise. Look how well it's worked in shutting down Clarke. We have yet to hear anyone contradict his testimony...just the non-stop pounding of his personna and his relationships with this regime.
I always wonder who spends all the time to call these shows. Yes, I know many DU'ers do here, but I'm also certain there are paid "callers"...not a new concept...that are earning their keep right now. Guess this is part of the regime's plan of creating more jobs.