"I've ordered this level of cooperation because I consider it necessary to gaining a complete picture of the months and years that preceded the murder of our fellow citizens on Sept. 11." PRESIDENT BUSH, who will meet with the 9/11 panel and allow his national security adviser to testify in public and under oath.
Wow, sounds like Dubya is hoping that the commission will conclude as he has that the whole thing was Bill Clinton's fault...months and years preceding 9-11? Let's see how questions are also answered with, "...Well in the previous administration", "....what the previous administration failed to do...", "The previous administration said nothing about...". If the commission agrees with Dubya, then they should insist on he, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and even Karl Rove to appear in public under oath right after Condi Rice. Let's get it all out on the table for the American public to judge for themselves and for the families of 9-11 victims to get the facts that they have been denied since 9-11. I smell cover-up! :mad: :grr: