Sorry about using the Moonie times for the info.
Rumors and whispers
<snip>Every day, Iraqis wake up to read Western newspaper reports — quoted in local media — about changes in the plan for handing over sovereignty, fueling conspiracy theories and anti-U.S. activities, sponsored mainly by Iraq's neighbors, saying that the handing over of power will only be a show, and "the great Satan" will stay and drain Iraq of its wealth and resources.
Initially, some reports said that the current GC will be handed power. Later, others said that an expanded GC will take charge. The most recent report is that the United States will appoint a strong Shia secular prime minister to run the country.
This report is already sending shockwaves through the people. The first person that comes to their mind is Ahmad Chalabi, who is now forging a new alliance with the mullahs in Iraq and in Iran. A recent opinion poll showed that Mr. Chalabi tops the list of politicians that Iraqis do not trust at all. Saddam Hussein came second.
No official or public meeting has been held so far to ask the various people of Iraq whether they want any of these options or whether they want the United States to leave at all.