complete declassification of documents as Mr. Clarke has requested. Remember this was a Repuke idea advanced by Sen Frist to intimidate and harass Mr. Clarke. Clarke upped the ante this last weekend when he called for a complete disclosure of all six (6) hours of his sworn testimony from two (2) years ago along with all his emails and correspondence.
What better way to contrast Condi's public, sworn testimony that to have Clarke's testimony and documents available to the American public. Since it was the Repukes idea, we should be demanding it all be declassified. Me thinks they have painted themselves into a corner.
Who will join me in writing our senators and demanding a full declassification of all Clarke's documents and testimony??? This will keep the * campaign off balance for weeks if not months.
Here are some contact #s fdor Dem and Pepug senators and a link where you can find the contact info for your senator.
Robert C. Byrd: (D) Kennedy: (D)
Bob Graham: (D) Republicans: Particularly target Frist.
Bill Frist: (R) Grassley: (R) Hagel: (R) other senators addresses: don't forget your reps in Congress: /