More text by Karen Kwiatowski: Foreign Countries! How To Make the US Go Away!
by Karen Kwiatkowski The inimitable Rumsfeld has done it again. But this time it is cause for optimism and joy, especially if you are a relatively small country who isn’t interested in being pushed around by the Empire of the United States of America.
Rummy – or Shifty as he is sometimes known, poet of the Pentagon and messenger for administrations from Nixon to Bush – announced that it would be very difficult for accused war criminals in the Bush administration to spend time in countries that have legislation that allows its citizens to bring war crimes suits against foreign nationals.
Now Belgium is exactly such a country, home of NATO headquarters, currently anticipating a partially U.S. funded new headquarters compound in Brussels.
Dubya and his two primary henchman, the lovely Mr. Ashcroft for domestics and the charming Mr. Rumseld for everyone else, have taken it upon themselves to decide that neither foreign citizens nor American citizens truly have the right to due process or an adequate defense. Furthermore, your identification as an "enemy" of the administration or any of its policies is all that is needed. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" or something like that, as Martha Stewart and Ed Rosenthal can attest. Facts, justice and rationality need not apply in federal prosecutions, although Ed’s recent sentence was a small and welcome slap back at the feds.