In today's poll, the following question has been posed.
*snip* The Episcopal Church has confirmed the election of its first openly gay bishop. Reverend V. Gene Robinson will be bishop of New Hampshire. (AP)
Do you agree or disagree with the Episcopal Church’s decision to elect an openly gay bishop?? *snip*
Giving their standard answers of Agree, Disagree, I'm not sure, and I don't care, the numbers are staggeringly leanient towards the conservative view point. Respectively, the numbers go as follows: 29% Agree with 2346 votes, 61% Disagree with 4,922 votes, 2% are not sure with 193 votes, and finally 6% do not even care with 533 votes.
Please, go and make your voice heard so that the "Conservative Machine" doesn't shoot us out of the water. The Bishop is doing all he can to avoid being, what I feel he was, set up for child pornography, to avoid being called a blasphemere, to allow an "Easter to be made out of a Good Friday."
This seems as though it would be an excellent start to a discussion on the matter. As a gay man who was raised in the Episcopal church I hold this topic close to my heart. Please, feel free to share your questions, comments and concerns.