watching Arnold Schwarzenegger give his little speech, that the repukes have NO idea the can of worms they've opened up with their recall bullshit. If I were in sunny CA, I'd be royally pissed that those fuckers had not only messed up their economy through their coddling of Enron and their mismanagement of the energy situation, but that they have the nerve to think they have the right to override the will of the people who elected Davis.
I really think this whole situation was manipulated from the beginning by KKKarl, Darth Cheney, and the Bushistas in order to not only try and bring CA to the side of the repukes, but to punish the state and bring it to its knees for having delivered its sizable electoral votes to Gore in 2000. Shrub aides themselves said in 2001 that their Great Leader was planning on ignoring the state, giving it the finger, because of its failure to recognize his greatness and his presidential entitlement. I really hope the people of CA are smart enough to see through this fascist bullshit.