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The WH Counteroffensive Revealed...

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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-06-03 08:57 PM
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The WH Counteroffensive Revealed...
Edited on Wed Aug-06-03 08:59 PM by TruthIsAll
Eyes Only

1) Isolate media from interviewing pissed-off troops in Iraq.
2) Get the SAIC involved to save Diebold in Maryland.
3) Get the California recall going with Arnold the candidate.
4) Prepare the public for another 9/11 Trifecta.
5) Get Blair to go along with demonizing David Kelly.
6) Get the troops off to Liberia.
7) Hide the true monthly cost of the Iraq occupation.
8) David Kay to find Saddam's WMD "program".
9) Prepare to demonize Dean as a leftist (brief Ann Coulter on this).
10) Fire Army generals who don't go along with Rummy.
11) Order media to avoid discussing WH outting of Wilson's CIA wife.
12) Prepare media to bash Gore before he decides to run.
13) Keep referring to Bush as "the very popular war president".
14) Set the infrastructure in place for stealing FL and CA in 2004.
15) Remind Tweety to bash Clinton/Gore/Dean and to stay on his knees for Bush. Work close with Gloria Borger (she is doing a great job for us).
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SpiralHawk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-06-03 09:06 PM
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1. 16. Hire TruthisAll as Minister of TruthisAll
All we ask for is the truth.

Your country calls.
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Eloriel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-06-03 09:27 PM
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2. I have to confess
The SAIC news was sobering for me. Very. It made me face once again just what we're up against. How thoroughy and completely "they" have infiltrated and populated virtually all key industries and our government.

"They" are the fascists, of course. Some of them know they're fascists, I believe, some of them probably have no clue but do have a vision of what this world should be like that reveals a fascist state. And others are just along for the ride, clueless but thoroughly happy to be involved in whatever it is they're involved in, accruing power and wealth to themselves. NONE OF THEM has any real understanding of or feel for a democratic republic. ALL OF THEM are willing to subvert everything this country has stood stood for in favor of their own personal gain -- power and wealth.

It seems to me that we are literally at the edge of the cliff, tho it's not possible to know for sure how deep the drop is. If "these people" -- SAIC -- are successful at quashing the BBV investigation and revelations, democracy is literally over. Done. UNLESS that drop isn't as steep as it looks from here and there is some other avenue or opportunity that we on this side can use as leverage against total take over.

If anyone's interested in how we got here, I modestly offer a little collection of links that sketch a rough outline (esp. in the first link) along with some details in the other links.


REALITY 501 - A DU Course Syllabus

Realilty 501: Syllabus UPDATE
(Read this first because it's got links and text while the original thread is just outline form with few if any links)

The US, the Saudis, and oil (a piece of Eloriel's Big Picture)

"ABC and the Rise of Rush Limbaugh"
(CIA, Wm. Casey, Capitol Cities, FCC, etc.)

Bush, Nazis, Eugenics, and more - LINKS galore

14 Characteristics of Fascism
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MuseRider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-06-03 10:07 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. Thanks, Eloriel
I am bookmarking these sites for reference. It has been bad before and it has been hard before but I have to admit this news about SAIC caused me to sit here and cry. I won't quit, not ever but it was very sobering.
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RUMMYisFROSTED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-06-03 09:31 PM
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3. 17)
The Kobe story is "HUGE!" The ramifications for Americans is endless.
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Catherine Vincent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-06-03 09:49 PM
Response to Original message
4. #13 is definitely correct
Just this morning, a Time writer was the guest and she mentioned that Bush is a popular president.

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