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After Tonight I am Convinced America May Not Survive This Administration

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TheWatcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 02:33 AM
Original message
After Tonight I am Convinced America May Not Survive This Administration
Tonight we saw the unmistakable truth about our president. The true joke that this man is, the true depth of the incapability, the incompetence, the utter contempt of and for humanity that he represents was revealed to all. Tonight this sub-human cheerleader turned King left no deniable evidence and indisputable proof that he is unfit to be a Night Manager at Wendy's or run a Bowling Alley from 1 till 7 in the morning, much less be the leader of the Free World.

Tonight he was unapologetic, stumbling, bumbling, inarticulate, and totally Melted Down in front of the American People and THE WORLD.

So you say that we should be celebrating, that there is no way the tide won't turn, that after tonight the drip, drip, drip we have all be excruciatingly and hopefully ranting about will now become a tidal wave and sweep this bastard and his merry men aside, so that we may finally take our country back.

You are wrong. DEAD wrong.

For tonight, amidst the carnage and the embarrassment that was our President, I noticed something. During the aftermath of this utter embarrassment and possibly one of the greatest shames against our nation I noticed something. And it is something that could very well end the 227 year experiment known as the United States Of America.

Tonight I discovered something FAR more horrible than the horror that has inhabited the people's house illegitimately for the past four years.

And it is something that might turn out to be an even greater threat to the World than Bush.

Yes, my friends, there might be an even GREATER threat than these people.

Tonight I focused on a different enemy, Tonight I met a different enemy.

And he is US.

I watched almost horrified and with disbelief, as the Broadcast Media and the apologists CONTINUED to Prop this man up. I went to many message board haunts (Not the Freepers, we knew how they would react), and saw how people still keep the faith. How Dan Rather said he was Forceful, Confident, etc.

So many people are still willing to believe.

My friends, we have all marveled at the American Public's inability to wake up to the malfeasance of this administration. We have all suffered in frustration and disbelief these past three years, as a large portion of the horribly uninformed and denial ridden population have conveniently ignored EVERYTHING that we have been screaming, everything we have been pointing to, every piece of overwhelming evidence, every lie, every criminal act of this utterly barbaric administration.

We have suffered though the complicit, and after tonight, completely and utterly EQUALLY ACCOUNTABLE BY ASSOCIATION AND AS ACCESSORIES AFTER THE FACT Media, as they continue to give him pass, after pass, and report things as if they were on some other planet, reporting on some other President.

We have suffered through the jingoism, he nationalism, the blind patriotism spurred by 9/11, which was further politicized and bastardized into the chest-beating bullying mantra of The Right and The Faithful, as they sought to cow dissent from anyone who would DARE Question The Great Leader.

We have watched with horror as we were led to an unjust war against a DEFENSELESS COUNTRY, and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's, and if the truth were told, if truth had a PLACE in our society anymore, thousands of our own sons and daughters perished needlessly, for a few pieces of Silver and a few drops of Oil.

We have tired to bear the brunt of all of these things, hoping that once a certain point was reached, that the Dam would burst and the Truth would FINALLY set us free.

Tonight my friends, SHOULD have been that moment. Never has it been more CLEARLY illustrated what this excuse for a non-thinking backwards ass COWARD was all about. Never before has it been more CLEARLY defined that this man is not fit to lead this country. Never more CLEARLY has it been exposed for all of us and th WORLD to see what a threat to humanity this man and his handlers are. Never more CLEARLY has the case been made that we must change course in this country and right the Ship by cleaning house NOW.

But there are still too many who DON'T GET IT.

And if the performance of the Media is any indication, it should be ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED, that through the actions of the Congress these past three years, and the actions of our Media, that the interests of THE PEOPLE, you know that entity the forefathers talked about in that brochure they published about 227 years ago that this whole government is BY and FOR, ARE NO LONGER REPRESENTED AND ARE NO LONGER RELEVANT.

And The People, at least a FAR too great of a percentage of them, and The Media, seem to be going along with it.

I'm sorry my friends, after tonight, there is NO EXCUSE. After the performance we saw tonight, which we saw a man whose leadership, whose cabinet, whose VERY EXISTENCE is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER not only to the United States, but to the rest of the World, there is NO EXCUSE for continuing to support ANYTHING about this administration.


There are those who have mentioned feeling like they live in the Twilight Zone or some alternate reality. It is horrifying that it has come to this. It is SHAMEFUL the way TOO MANY of our countrymen are REACTING to this garbage.

There comes a time when you can no longer sit by and keep your mouth shut about what is going on.

Houston, America, God, and ANYONE who is listening, WE HAVE A PROBLEM.

The People of this nation, The Media, and the apologists for this administration, those who choose to keep their head in the sand, and those who choose to remain in deep denial after tonight may end up being a bigger enemy than The Bush Cabal ever could be.


Because the Bush Cabal is all but exposed now for what they are. We KNOW what they are going to do, we KNOW their agenda, and it is pretty much clear cut from here on out what we face with them.

But the problem is that if THE PEOPLE, The MEDIA, THE CONGRESS, and all who continue to give them a pass and allow them to steamroll forward, enabling this to continue, if they continue down this same path they have been traveling these past three years, this COUNTRY WILL NOT SURVIVE.

It may actually be this simple.

After tonight, Bush and his Cabal will continue to behave and act as they have in the past. This is no secret. We know what to expect.

But whether they SUCCEED or not may depend upon if the country ALLOWS them to.

Thirty Years ago, another criminal and his band of thugs were stopped eventually because of the will of the people, the Media, and eventually his own PARTY.

But this time we are witnessing something unparalleled in history that begs the question, have this country gone mad, or even more terrifyingly, has a portion of this country just gone bad?

NO ONE gets a pass after tonight. NO ONE. If you still supports this man after what happened tonight, if you still think he's the Son Of God after the performance he put on tonight, then you are just as much a part of the problem as they are.

My dear friends, America is at War.

And I am not talking about the War On Terra.

America is at war with ITSELF.

And it is a War we cannot afford to lose.

Because unless the People wake up, unless somehow we can get the Media to regain it's conscience, the Congress to regain it's spine, and the TRUTH to somehow matter again in this country, then WE HAVE NO FUTURE.

And before ANY of you flame me for posting a "All Hope Is Lost, Doom and Gloom Post", let me make something absolutely crystal clear.

I am NOT Giving Up. I will FIGHT for this country and our survival EVEN IF THERE IS NO HOPE LEFT. I will GO DOWN SWINGING.

But we need to ACKNOWLEDGE what we face here and how dire the situation is. The hour is late, and there is no margin for error. We stand a chance at losing our country. It is REAL, and the Danger is CLEAR and PRESENT. We have to Deal With It.

We have to realize that culturally and spiritually, whether we want to admit it or not, this country is in a Civil War with itself. The point MUST come when it is time to acknowledge that this foolishness has gone far enough, and to support these people NOW, after THIS, is tantamount to enabling their agenda. There is NO EXCUSE. Not after tonight. NONE.

Maybe I am overreacting, maybe I am being too hard. Maybe I am being too harsh. But I feel so strongly about what I saw tonight that to think that so many still support this man and what he and his cabinet are doing, that I must at least say SOMETHING. Acknowledge what I see and the alarm itfills me with. The stakes are way too high not to do so.

And I will be honest with you. I don't know what we should do. Like another Poster sad the other night, the faint whispers of a fabled Beatles song creep louder and louder through my soul with each passing day. I don't know what it's going to take to wake the country up. I don't know what must happen for the dam to break.

But I DO know which side one should be on right now. And after tonight, there is NO EXCUSE not to be there.

And my friends, have NO illusions, if we do not get enough people on this side and marching full force in the face of the greatest threat to ever face our nation, if the dam does not break, if the enabling continues, if the Great American Slumber does not come to an end, then we will not only be defeated at the hands of this pathetic loser and his cadre of sub-human filth, we will be defeated by OURSELVES.

And it won't matter if we elect John Kerry, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, or John The Baptist.

Because our defeat will be complete.

If America loses the war with itself, it will lose itself.


So I ask you all again.

Are You Angry Yet?
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LosinIt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 02:40 AM
Response to Original message
1. Wow, how to put my thoughts exactly into words
Edited on Wed Apr-14-04 02:41 AM by LosinIt
Thank you. I have been feeling the exact way for so long and haven't been able to put it into words. I am angry, and more than a little frightened. Check out my sig line......
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keithyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 07:17 AM
Response to Reply #1
22. Maybe we don't deserve to survive.
We have become the world's most brutal, lying, greedy, inhumane nation since Hitler's Germany!
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ComerPerro Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 02:42 AM
Response to Original message
2. Grrrrrr-eat post
Good stuff.

I agree with you.

The American people share the blame for letting the administration get away with all of this shit.

It isn't as though Rove is some sort of Machiavelian (sp?) genius. He is just a sleazy opportunist who knows how to manipulate the press.

None of BushCo's coverups, lies, or doubletalk is really that briliant or impressive.

The only thing that gives them even a shred of legitimacy is the fact that the media and the general public is too damn disinterested to ask questions.

Why the hell do we let them get away with this bullshit?
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glarius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 02:48 AM
Response to Original message
3. Exactly right......I posted earlier that I felt like I was in the twilight
zone....When I saw those "journalists" asking Bush questions that he NEVER ANSWERED and then they all sat there with looks of shocked disbelief on their faces.....and later I saw these same journalists on their TV stations reporting that Bush had given a good accounting of himself.....I actually screamed out loud....It's beyond belief....
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LDS Jock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 02:53 AM
Response to Original message
4. Yes I'm angry
I was calming down til I read your post. Now I'm all mad again. :) And I'll stay mad til they are all out of office.
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agingdem Donating Member (893 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 04:47 AM
Response to Reply #4
15. Anger, fear, and embarrassment...
Bush is the perfect example of what happens when the dumbest, meanest, most self-serving and self-righteous, least articulate guy in the class becomes president of the United States.
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Lorien Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 02:57 AM
Response to Original message
5. Anger is not enough. Organization and ACTION is
Edited on Wed Apr-14-04 02:59 AM by Jen6
everything. I've been working on organizing a DU activist group. This is a letter I sent to Skinner recently:

A few of us (very few) have been discussing the creation of a new activism “club” at DU ( my post from that thread:
someone here posted a conversation they had with a local news reporter. The reporter said that RW issues get more coverage because rightwingers write letters to television stations far, far more often than liberals do. They are organized and take action, it's that simple. He said that if the station received TEN or more letters on a given topic, then it was considered "hot" and newsworthy.

Now, I know a lot of people here will say "well, the right wing owns the media, so why bother", but what does the right wing love for than *? MONEY via ratings! Besides, what HARM would it do any of us to spend a little less time writing posts on DU and take that time to write a few letters every month to the media?

Here's my suggestion; willing DUers sign on to devote just an hour a week to writing 300 word or less letters on two topics. We assign four DUers to come up with two topics, plus talking points and references, every month. Leader A would post his or her topics on a Monday morning thread ("why do Bush and Cheney insist on testifying together"? and "what happened to the Valerie Plame story"? for instance) complete with links and talking points, along with media addresses. Each member would then post his or her letters (to inspire others) then send them to a local news source, a National paper and network TV news outlet, a cable TV news outlet, NPR, Time and Newsweek. The goal would be to send ten letters or more to each news source. Your thoughts?

NJCher posted:
I think we should organize and send out alerts by email because if we have threads on it, the Freepers will just copy them and send them to the media we are assailing that particular day.

So, my question to you is; is there any way we could have a restricted access forum (like the Gallery) for DUers in good standing that would enable us to do this type of activism? Perhaps the cache of being invited into an exclusive “club” would encourage more DUers to participate? One requirement could be that only those who contribute to DU would be allowed into the forum (possibly increasing donations).

Here is a small sample of the types of subjects I would like to see addressed by this elite group of activists:

First week:
Joint testimony of Bush and Cheney
Ted Kennedy on Iraq

Second week:
Black box voting
PNAC agenda

Third week:
"Bush, the $6 Trillion Dollar Budget Bustin' Man"
high gas prices (two topics relate to one another-details to come)

Fourth week:
media collusion with the Whitehouse
TBA (the news of the day will often determine our subjects)

Your thoughts?



Skinner thought it is a great idea and may consider a forum for it in the future. Right now I'm working on a topic to propose for next week (I had wanted to start it THIS week, but tax time made that impossible). SanghO is also putting together something on the PNAC agenda to present as a topic. I'm still fine tuning the concept, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Plenty of people out there will condemn the whole idea, but if they don't want to write letters or think it a waste of their time, then they shouldn't do it. Simple enough. But if those same people try to dissaude others from taking action to save their country, then I do have a real problem with that. America is worth an hour of your time every week from now until November. It is the very least each and every one of us can do.
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NewHampshireDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 05:05 AM
Response to Reply #5
18. Excellent Idea ...
Let me know what I can do to help. PM me if you'd like.

I've also been thinking that it might not be a bad idea to pool some blogs ... I notice many of us DU'ers have them. Do you have any thoughts how can we tap into that?
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rooboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 03:18 AM
Response to Original message
6. My wife's grandfather fought in Hitler's army...
and was captured in Russia. After being freed from a Russian prison in 1947 in the middle of winter, he had to walk home with newspapers on his feet because he had no shoes. My wife says that to his dying days he thought Hitler was the best thing that ever happened to Germany.

Only after I heard that story could I come to grips with the fact that a lot of Americans (and others) are already dead from the neck up, and there is nothing that can be done for them.
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Piperay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 03:33 AM
Response to Original message
7. GREAT post...
I agree with you 100% but could never have put it as well as you did. :thumbsup:
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NuttyFluffers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 03:44 AM
Response to Original message
8. one of the reasons i contemplated voting for bush
bassackward thinking it may seem, but simply for the statement you made about waking america up or else it will rend itself, was why i was thinking so.

i thought that if this cabal of bumbling, stumbling, blatant bufoons can get such a gracious pass by plastering up front a characture of a president before our eyes then we are in for a whole world of hurt. ever since the backroom dealers figured out that an actor like reagan can bamboozle the soft heart of americans through the lovable puppy ploy i saw danger. when they placed another one, bush jr., and got away with even more than whta reagan got away with, i knew we are doomed. the backroom leaders are just testing which puppet we find most appealing and they are getting closer and closer to the right answer.

the organization of aggregating power is getting far more refined and overwhelming by the year, and under this administration it has been mindboggling. no, someone found our number and is using the populace like a violin. it is already over, i think. sure we can get kerry in there. but the struggle will be hard and at the end he'll most likely have a gop congress stopping him from doing anything. he'll be houded worse than clinton. he is inhereting so much baggage from this idion administration that he'd be spending at least half his term struggling to get halfway out of the hole dug. he'll be hung by the inherited disaster by the soft-headed populace.

the fear is imagine a more capable cabal taking over? one more adept at manipulating the USA populace than this one? imagine where the cult of personality is absolute? we are not far from that now, mere striking distance. fascism is a hairbreadth away and those clamoring for our wealth are chomping at the bit. that's why w.'s term has all this garbage going on, they know that either way whoever is elected they'll get their way again after the 4 years. if bush is re-elected it'll help finish the job faster - but it'll go so fast as to tip off the deeply dense populace. it is the last warning available before a more capable cabal is arranged.

so essentially it's, a) kerry will be hung by the comedy of errors of the previous administration and then someone more conservative (and possibly more maliciously capable) will take his place or b) bush is re-elected and since he's not responsible to anyone he'll go nuts and basically throw this country into complete destruction, but it might be the big enough alarm needed to wake americans from their slumber. i'm torn, to run and grab upon the behemoth hurtling itself towards the edge of a cliff and most likely do nothing to its long term course and die, or the push it closer - maybe you'll scare it from disaster, or you'll help add the final push to destroy itself, and thus be responsible...

i haven't come to a final answer. i can't stand bush, but i don't see kerry as the final solution. i'm afraid the american people are desperately trying to ignore the fact they are destroying themselves. i don't believe 1 or 2 terms of kerry will be enough to save us, just delay the symptoms until the patient dies... but i knkow if i vote in bush his second term has a very high possibility to finish off america permanently, with civil war or economic destitution... to suffer the full blown fever now and realize you need to see a doctor or just cover it up with a painkiller?
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DemExpat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 03:45 AM
Response to Original message
9. Yep...some of my progressive Dem family in the US are
falling for the incredible scam of all of this, and it tears me up inside.

I have to watch that I don't let my anger and horror undermine my own health too much since the 2000 election debacle - I know that I won't feel better about my world, our future, until this nightmare is over....


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kera Donating Member (294 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 03:59 AM
Response to Original message
10. I heard your desperate scream
it echoes my hopelessness

I just heard Chris Mathieu saying about the $ performance that He loves it that $ is an authentic man , man of conviction and he likes when $ says Jesus is his philosopher, and most of all this misname journalist happily stated that when bush says bluntly that he doesn t want to answer this question it shows how genuine and authentic he is and he loves it
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Seldona Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 04:03 AM
Response to Original message
11. Excuse me, but I couldn't disagree more.
You really think this incompetant boob is enough to actually bring down America?

Well I have a bit more faith than that.

His poll numbers prove me right.

Yes, we have alot of work ahead of us.

But if you had actualy paid attention to the questions that were asked, rather than on the dittoheads that still buy this shit, you would realize that those questions were a literal laundry list of what liberals have been saying for two years now.

And if you think most people were to dumb to notice he answered none of them, then perhaps we really have nothing to talk about.

Hell, I am one of the most cynical people you will ever 'meet', and I see the writing on the wall.

In fact, in the long run, this whole mess may actually have a silver lining.

How, you ask, incredulously I would imagine?

This debacle just may ensure that PNAC, and all those that subscribe to that ideology, will not see the halls of power for a very very long time.

Since these bastards have been working on this since the mid 80's, I would say that is a pretty good thing.

Anyway, I do not say this in a confrontational tone. Really.

I just think that giving up this early in the game is the wrong thing to do.

Look at the good things.

If someone would have told me reporters would be asking * on primetime television the questions they asked tonight, I would never have believed you.

Hell a year ago they would probably have been tried for treason.

Hang in there people.

We need every last one of you to beat these bastards.

And there are some positive signs.

Just my 2 cents.

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JCMach1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 04:16 AM
Response to Original message
12. Awesome post... good enough to earn its own spot on
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Capt_Nemo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 04:32 AM
Response to Original message
13. That, my friend, is how we perceive the US here
on the other side of the Atlantic:

A nation in denial.

The fact is that the demise of american power is speeding up and the
neo-con plans are the swan song that announces it. But americans
instead of dealing with this problem, shield themselves in their
hubris and forge ahead into the abyss.
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seventhson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 04:36 AM
Response to Original message
14. An Imbecilic Moron - The world weeps for what America might have been
Edited on Wed Apr-14-04 04:38 AM by seventhson
and gnashes its teeth for what it has become.

Bush IS global terror; an unnatural disaster.

An Act of Lucifer.

an anti-Christ bozo the killer clown.

Freddie Kruger in a Chucky costume and an Alfred E. Neuman horro mask.

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agingdem Donating Member (893 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 04:49 AM
Response to Reply #14
16. Worse than just a moron...
he's Joseph MCCarthy come back from the dead...
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Lexingtonian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 05:05 AM
Response to Original message
17. Yes, it was an hour of National Embarrassment

It's right up there with the fistfights between little old guys in glasses and suits in the Taiwanese parliament. I really wished the neon lights saying "WWF" would light up behind Dubya and Vince McMahon would come on and some buff guys in costumes would get 'interviewed' and do their poseur routines. It was that kind of a friggin' joke of a performance and an insult to History. And what was that one Commandment, the one with something about 'bearing false witness'?

After the November elections no one will admit to voting for Bush. He's going into a bin with Nixon- but people, however much they despised Nixon, do respect some of what Nixon did and tried to do. I don't get the feeling that Dubya will get even that.

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TheWatcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 06:42 AM
Response to Reply #17
19. The Frightening Thing That MUST Be Brought Up Again Is This.
Edited on Wed Apr-14-04 06:43 AM by TheWatcher
It was something very illuminating another Poster brought up last night.

The way that many of the journalists sat there at that Press Connference dumbfounded and amazed at what they were seeing, and then just a short time later those same JOURNALISTS were PRAISING him for the job he did.

I'm sorry folks that is NOT the sign of a FREE COUNTRY.

Something is WRONG.

Something is GOING ON.


I hate to tell you this, my friends, but tonight confirmed my WORST fears.

We are ON OUR OWN.
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Lexingtonian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 07:23 AM
Response to Reply #19
23. Well, Bush comes in four year chunks

They, on the other hand, want to be employed for about forty. So they do what their editors and marketing people and political consultants tell them to- assume it's a Right-leaning country, yes the audience is politically insane: but if you don't have the right kind of Product to sell they'll buy from the other guy, that's the real bottom line. The networks have millions at stake in advertising revenue, they'll do what is safest in the eyes of the people who buy advertising and submit to the herd mentality.

The people who buy advertising in turn ask political consultants what kind of political coverage is least offensive and attracts the kind of people who respond to advertising. Basically they get told that liberals don't really respond to advertising and find it chic to disparage it, and it's unpolitical people and conservatives who are much more material-centric and gullible and manipulable. And the last few elections have shown Republicans as the dominating Party that tolerates no abuse. So, voila: the advertising money targets Republicans.
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dusty64 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 06:54 AM
Response to Original message
20. That is exactly
as I feel. Sad but true.
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ithacan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-14-04 07:00 AM
Response to Original message
21. so they let him out knowing he'd piss all over himself
because it doesn't even matter any more.

Yes that is truly scary and disheartening.

On the other hand, there are some reports of journalists actually calling his "performance" the shame that it was...

I'm wondering if real cracks are beginning within the establishment.

If so that is a good sign.

I mean seriously, who in their heart of hearts, while watching Bush, could doubt the weakness and incompetence and arrogance? From reports even Condi and Rove were not happy with how he was doing.

So even if much of the media is lying, the fact that many people saw with their own eyes this disgrace for what it was, and then saw the media lying about it, may help turn the tide. And that some in the media are actually calling him out on this is yet another sign.

I don't yet think that all is lost.
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