or rather, those the media tries the hardest to make look like outsiders, aren't in reality.
Carter was hand-picked by the Council of Foreign Relations for the Presidency.
Carter is a founding member of Brzezinski's Trilateral Commission and was also been a long-time member of the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR), the country's most powerful, globalist-leaning foreign policy group, who have plunged America into Vietnam and other wars and squirmishes.
The Council on Foreign Relations
And the Trilateral Commission
The two organizations that run the United States
Its influence
In 1944 and in 1948, the Republican candidate for President, Thomas Dewey, was a CFR member. In later years, Republicans Eisenhower and Nixon were members of the CFR, as were Democrats Stevenson, Kennedy, Humphrey, and McGovern. (Note: We believe Kennedy became disloyal to the CFR prior to his assassination.") The American people think that they have a choice when they vote for a President, but the truth of the matter is , with few exceptions: Presidential candidates for decades have been CFR members.
In one of the CFR’s annual reports, published in 1978, it listed a membership of 1878 members. Eleven of its members at this time were United States Senators, with even more Congressmen belonging to the organization. 284 of its members listed in this report were United States Government officials. And the Chairman of the Board of this immensely powerful pyramid was stated as being none other than David Rockefeller himself.
The CFR not only has its members in the United States Government, but its influence has also spead to other vital areas of American life. According to Newell: "Its members have run, or are running, NBC and CBS, ‘The New York Times’, ‘The Washington Post’, ‘The Des Moines Register’, and many other important newspapers. The leaders of ‘Time’, ‘Newsweek’, ‘Fortune’, ‘Business Week’, and numerous other publications are CFR members. The organization’s members also dominate the academic world, top corporations, the huge tax-exempt foundations, labor unions, the military, and just about every segment of American life."
Barry Goldwater states in his book, "With No Apologies", on page 231:
"Does it not seem strange to you that these men just happened to be CFR and just happened to be on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, that absolutely controls the money and interest rates of this great country without benefit of Congress? A privately owned organization, the Federal Reserve, which has absolutely nothing to do with the United States of America!"
http://www.prolognet.qc.ca/clyde/cfr.html Clinton - same thing. CFR selected and supported.
And now - two of our Democratic hopefuls.
There's no such thing as an outsider winning. More smoke and mirrors to better manipulate people. Find out what they want to hear, tell it to them, get their votes and go on about your agenda.
We are so depressingly gullible.
You can read about Carter and the CFR here: