is when a blond guy in the audience asks about all the other nuke lies/deceptions, etc. in the SOTU, and why they have not received the amount of coverage the Niger lie received, and the guy on the panel guesses that Niger had a personality associated with it, Wilson, "enabling" coverage, and then wonders where are the "Wilsons" that could step forward and embody these other controversies.
It irks me because it's saying that there is little or no investigative journalism in this critical period. No digging out the story yourself, and becoming the target like Woodward and Bernstein became. Without a whistleblower, without pictures of charges and counters, most of the press is barely interested, and reports only facts and disputes fed to them.
They "waited" for Wilson. Real reporters could have long before tracked down the Italian journalist, obtained copies of forgeries germane to high national policy, googled for a couple of hours and produced a big-time scoop. Junior journalist becomes celebrity talking head, book deal to follow.
Or instead, wait for the next character on the stage of our national soap opera. Irks me.