Edited on Tue Aug-05-03 06:08 PM by amen1234
a terrorist attack...many people here feel that bush* has done little to prevent terrorist attacks, if anything, bush* has made us more vulnerable...
so now, we have the "homeland security", an agency that still doesn't have a real office...an agency that is mostly PR for shrub, and agency that does nothing to coordiate or include the TWO biggest agency failures EVER (9/11), FBI and CIA...our first line responders have little to help them, no chemical detection instruments, radios that STILL do not work between the various agencies, little personal protective suits...complete failure to protect Federal offices, complete failure to understand how terrorism works...
shrub's biggest effort was tell everyone here to buy duct-tape and plastic...since then, we have received no further information...shrub has spent $$$$BILLIONS to his campaign-contributors only...and we are worse than ever before...
just in the last two weeks, I have walked into the ronald reagun International Trade Building (with my briefcase) unhindered by any screening, into the Smithsonian, unhindered by any screening (with my backpack), public parking is still allowed underneath many Federally-leased buildings inside the Beltway (condi will just say that she never heard of car bombs)...and of course, there are almost daily problems on the Metro Trains (the subway) that are simply not being addressed...most people that I know are simply prepared to flee the Capital at a moments notice, if they survive...shrub has done nothing to protect us, and shrub doesn't seem to care one bit...the biggest thing that the shrub has done is to massively assault Americans with lies....
if anybody comes here to OUR Nation's Capital, take a look at the greatly increased number of homeless here, and realize that over 60% are OUR Veterans...shame on bush* and his whole cabal...