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My respect for Episcopalians, including the opposition to Robinson...

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vi5 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-05-03 05:29 PM
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My respect for Episcopalians, including the opposition to Robinson...
First off I am an atheist who was raised in a devout Catholic family. But I have to say that on the one hand it makes me very happy to see a fairly large sect of Christianity embrace both this man in particular and homosexuals in general. That a good chunk of the church is supporting him is very heartening to me to see.

On the other hand, even the people who disagree with him being made Bishop have all seemed in the interviews I have seen, to be civil, kind people who just disagree on this issue. But the fact is that I respect them for actively attempting to dictate the direction in which their church is going and demanding a very vocal say in the proceedings when the leadership is doing something that they disagree with. As much as I agree with the position of the church leadership who have thus far approved Robinson, I no more think that their word should be taken as gospel law than I do that only those oppossed should have their say. It seems to be working as somewhat of a collaborative, democratic process. One that is flawed and will engender some hard feelings I'm sure. But that is simply inevitable in human group interaction.

The bottom line is that in addition to being happy about seeing a religion attempt to bring about tolerance and inclusion rather than just speaking about it, I'm also happy to know that there is a religion out there where people get very involved in the direction of their church and in the shaping of it's policies and doctrines rather than simply saying "Well, I don't agree with the policies of the church, but they don't speak for me." and taking a shrugged shoulders approach to it.

For the record I'm basing this on my politically liberal, devoutly catholic family and friends so I mean nothing personal and don't intend this to be an attack. Simply my reaction to this situation based on my personal religious experience/beliefs/falling out/whatever.
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pw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-05-03 05:46 PM
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1. On the other hand,
The people who faked up the porn and sexual harassment charges against Robinson should burn in hell.

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vi5 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-05-03 05:50 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Agreed, and like I said...
There are going to be bad elements everywhere.
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SweetZombieJesus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-05-03 05:55 PM
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3. How much you want to bet we see a wave of converts after this?
The Episcopalians are stepping up to the plate and demonstrating a quality that a lot of people who don't go to church see: An inability to change with the times and circumvent the slide into irrelevancy. The Catholic leadership couldn't even convincingly deal with the sex abuse scandals, so the only people who are converting over there are idiot wingers who are either doing it because of Mel Gibson's idiotic "film", or because they want to get in on the molesting fun (Robert Bork, I'm looking at you).

That being said, it still ain't getting me into any church, Episcopalian or no.
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jagguy Donating Member (525 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-05-03 06:03 PM
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4. you may not have noticed
but they have been the vanguard for the past 30-40 years (maybe further).

First with females, then socially with Arpartied (I have no idea how to spell that but the racial crap in South Africa, thats how I met Desmund Tutu), then with gays.

I was brought up Episcopal and that church now has a female priest (priestess ?) and is a "gay" church.

This isn't something new with them.
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