At first, it might not seem very obvious in our Faux-driven media, but as someone who has long observed our recent social trends and actions, I can't help but feel right now that we are on the verge of something big... something almost certainly catastrophic.
Consider the following. Our nation's millitary is spread out, maxed out to its very limits and engaged in conflicts around the world, at war primarily for OIL, all the while back at home, Americans are demanding increasingly larger SUVs with little regard for their poor fuel economy. Our federal, state and local governments are literally drowning beneath a sea of ill-founded, tax-cut-induced deficits. Unemployment continues to climb with no hope of recovery in sight as Corporations downsize, right-size and relocate the surviving service and tech-sector jobs out of the U.S. to far-away India, Ireland and Eastern Europe. Our underfunded schools are crumbling, endangering our youth, while college tuition is skyrocketing, putting the benefits of higher education -- including hope for personal success and a stable, better future -- increasingly beyond their reach.
The average American seems content with knowing only what the conservative/Faux-dominated media tells him, remaining blissfully unaware that his leaders are the vilest, most rotten bunch of scoundrels ever to smile in his face while covertly picking his pockets empty, figuratively plunging a knife into his back in the process. The President himself is anything but; Rather, he is a silver-spooned empty suit of a dolt, painted by his handlers as a swashbuckling, all-American everyman.
With its financial solvency shot, and our country's social and political solvency soon to follow, our very stability right now depends upon the perpetuation of this massive charade of American superiority and imminent, returning prosperity by the Bush cabal, Big Business, and the ascendant Neo-Conservative wing of the Republican Party. Much sooner than later, however, the dream will end, and Americans will at long last wake up to a nightmarish reality of government-crushing debt, a devestating decade-long depression, and a superpower-vanquishing defeat in the Mideast.
Perhaps at such time, Americans may finally begin asking those questions most critical of their leaders.