Maybe this the reason he pulled out of the thing, they gave him an ultimatum and we have just seen how its delivered
Any body ever hear the story of how several guys in skull & bones are hooked up with Media outlets and some running them, not that this is gospell but if some of it was true, what if, some of them names on the side bar looked interesting, but others looked bogus ??? pages on the risephoenix site about ruling class organizations:
Trilateral Commission | Skull and Bones | Council on Foreign Relations & Trilateral Commission
And there is more on the way! Send me links and articles.
From NameBase NewsLine, No. 17, April-June 1997:
Journalism and the CIA: The Mighty Wurlitzer
by Daniel Brandt, used with permission
Sidebar: Journalists at Work: Who's Watching the Watchdogs?
A note from risephoenix: I'm happy to reproduce another excellent article here by Daniel Brandt. I've added a few notes to it as well as some hyperlinks to help the reader's ability to cross-reference and to see the dense thicket of interlocks that serves the ruling class and its media. The interconnections that I've added - to organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Skull and Bones - is revealing; but the information remains very incomplete. I hope to fill it out in time with more thorough information. If you have it e-mail it to me. Stay tuned, as the media saying goes. . .
Journalism and the CIA: The Mighty Wurlitzer
Alongside those Greek morality plays and Biblical injunctions, we are also reminded by history itself that the use of unethical means to achieve a worthy end can be self-destructive. Power, by definition, is isolated from the correcting signals of external criticism. Or perhaps the feeling of fighting evil fits so comfortably, that it's difficult to shed even after objective circumstances change.
The history of U.S. intelligence since World War II follows both patterns. The Office of Strategic Services, the CIA's predecessor, had jurisdiction over wartime covert operations and propaganda in the fight against fascism. OSS chief William Donovan recruited heavily among social and academic elites. When the CIA was launched in 1947 at the beginning of the Cold War, these pioneers felt that they had both the right and the duty to secretly manipulate the masses for the greater good.