Posted at:'s Mr. Furball To You: "Everything else about him just shouts 'Butch, butch, butch!' But to throw Bush a metrosexual bone, whenever you see him walking off Air Force One with that little furball Barney under his arm, that canine puff of air that most drag queens wouldn't be caught dead with, it's like he's halfway to a Chanel rabbit fur handbag."--
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, offering political-makeover tips for the president from a gay reporter friend of hers, 8/3/03I'm sorry, but to describe GWB as "butch, butch, butch!" has to be the laugh of the year! Barney is more butch than Shrub could ever pretend to be, aviator flight suit with overstuffed codpiece notwithstanding...
(Just trying to wrap my mind around the bizarre concept of George Bush as "butch" but finding it hard to suppress an instinctive gag reflex!)