Tweety has been in his love-tizzy over Ahhhnuld since the announcement, just as he was over Shrub and Jesse VENTURA, no surprise, but the embedded inner Tweety is showing. Today on the IMUS show he THRILLED over Ahhnuld's "sweats and sneakers". Some good Dems are often swayed back and forth, with or against Tweety, according to the "weathervane" theory about Tweety, but I submit that Tweety is CONSTANT, and his thrilling over Ahhhnuld exposes him more explicitly: He is NEVER for the underdog, always for the most obvious "success". If he were a conscientious, bleeding heart - or even an honest "reporter" - he might be interested in, say, "How can the sleeping Hispanic power be harnessed through the BUSTAMANTE candidacy?" But, no, he goes for the most CARTOONISH stereotype of "maleness" and "success" (insert Shrub, VENTURA, Ahhhnuld, whomever). You might be interested to know that "the flight suit" surrogate in this case for Tweety was how Ahhnuld has, for years, done charity outreach to minority kids by visiting them in his sweats and sneakers. That's enough of a commmon touch for Tweety.
He also insufficiently defined "NeoCon" for IMUS, but that's a separate topic and I've got to cut the grass.