i mean, 'regular' marriage laws are sheer hell when things go wrong and become divorce. can't tell you how many divorce horror stories i've heard from men and women all my life. why would anyone, straight or gay, want to head into that dark realm?
sure, there are benefits to legal, same sex marriage, but you'll have to take all the ugly aspects too. alimony, property, legal fees, etc.
i've been married to a wonderful woman for over 30 years, and a good marriage is a glorious thing of course. but, as a philosopher genius and deep thinker, i wonder, is there really any such thing as marriage?
look at it for what it is. two people, (traditionally 1 male, 1 female,) make a public statement that they are together forever allowing no other person to come between them. this is fine in the purist sense, but in contemporary society, there are lots of rules and regs and lawyers and men of the cloth and mother's in law, and endless trouble when the abstract institution of marriage morphs into divorce.
people in general rush into marriage without thinking things out. usually they are in the throes of passion and excited and shiny and happy. then when the honeymoon is over, and things aren't so shiny anymore, and kids come along, and others come between you.....hell is unleashed. as are lawyers.
i personally do not recommend marriage to ANYONE. it's a hard thing sometimes, takes a lot of work, years to refine and reshape. too many people get horny, and mistake lust for love and before you know it, boingo,....divorce. it all goes to hell, and the kids suffer. if i had my druthers, marriage would be an abstract, ideal, rather than a legally binding contract, ultimately decided by lawyers and judges.
a warning to homo and hetero sexuals: don't sign anything until several years have gone by and you can stand things like dirty underwear and pain in the rear en-laws.