Because CA has 54 electoral votes.
The first assault, the "energy crises", perpetrated by repub campaign contributors, might be easier to unravel with a peek at records of the Cheney "energy task force" documents. Maybe not but the new Bush admin sure turned a cold shoulder to CA when asked for help.
Davis fought them and won:
Energy producer settles price-gouging suit with California
Gas company settles suit
El Paso to pay $1.69 billion for manipulating market anyone think a repub governor will pick up that fight? I suspect it's more likely we'll never hear of it again.
Then there's another energy battle in which Davis has become engaged:
California raises the bar on emission standardsCalifornia Governor Gray Davis signed new legislation on July 23 that aims to reduce greenhouse gases through tougher auto standards. While the law remains vague on exactly how such reductions will be accomplished, it mandates that the California Air Resources Board develop a plan by 2005 for the "maximum feasible reduction" in tailpipe emissions from cars and light-duty trucks.
California is the only state not bound by the federal Clean Air Act because it enacted its clean air laws before the federal statute was passed. That means California is allowed to set state standards that surpass federal regulations. Other states can then opt for the California standard instead of the federal. ticked off the car manufactures, the oil companies and GW Bush.
Automakers, Bush fight state emission proposal do you suppose will happen in that lawsuit if Davis is ousted?
He has made more enemies in high places, some of them contributors:
Davis backs labor on farm bills not everone was mad at him for that:
Thank Governor Davis for signing legislation aiding the state's 'poorest and most abused workers' negatives that are being talked about now that might matter if there were no Bush economy to deal with, education funding being the most important to my way of thinking, is a result of repub obstructionsists in the CA legislature. (They're obligated to protect repub contributors from temporary emergency tax increases)
He's even being blamed for a hike in car registration that was an automatic increase once the CA deficit reached a certain level (as I understand it- I'd be grateful for any correction on that)
There are two other criticisms of which I'm aware. The first being his ability to raise money for campaigning. And the other is that he is cold and unaffable.
I hope for the time when money is taken out of the equation in politics but we aren't there yet. We do know, experientially on a national level, what happens when the guy Chris Matthews wants to have a beer with wins.
And just for giggles, how many counties in CA have touch screen voting machines?
Alameda County, California
Kern County, California
Los Angeles County, California
Marin County, California
Modoc County, California
Plumas County, California
San Diego County, California
San Joaquin County, California
Solano County, California
Tulare County, California