A new Pentagon recruiting ad campaign, featuring Jones and four other role models, aims to persuade more parents to see the military as a winning option for their children. Parents usually can make or break the deals that recruiters want their offspring to sign.
But according to a 2002 Pentagon survey, most parents today view military service as a last resort, far behind continuing school and finding a job. The exceptions tend to be parents like Jones' who have served in uniform themselves, and their numbers are shrinking in these days of a downsized, all-volunteer military.
"The ongoing casualties we are suffering in Iraq will definitely have a negative effect on recruitment," Moskos said.
The Defense Department would like to draw recruits from all segments of society so the burden of defending the country is borne equally by all.
I'm posting this as we are all wondering about the Draft; and I'm disgusted at the brainwashing of parents and wonder if the brainwashing is working, etc. etc.