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California DUers....Jim Brulte and Karl Rove?

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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 04:21 PM
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California DUers....Jim Brulte and Karl Rove?
Remember that Brulte was behind the recall of Doris Allen?

Brulte is tight with Rove and the Bush White House now.

Wasn't Brulte involved in some big scandal in the mid 90s? I can't remember it but hope some of you do. Would love more info to share with others who are looking into Brulte and Rove's involvement.

>>>>>>Senator Jim Brulte was elected Senate Republican Leader in April, 2000. A 12-year veteran of the Legislature, Brulte has developed a national reputation as a dynamic leader and has been described as "arguably the most powerful elected Republican in California" (, "a Republican Leader respected by Democrats" (San Diego Union Tribune), "a political powerhouse" (Roll Call), and the state's "most pragmatic and politically savvy Republican" (LA Times).

Senator Brulte is a trusted advisor to President George W. Bush. Senior White House Political Strategist Karl Rove notes that "Brulte is our political brains and insightful wizard in California." The Sacramento Bee succinctly reports that Brulte is "Bush's main man in the state." <<<<<<

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DBoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 04:24 PM
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1. Brulte and state budget?
Wasn't Brulte the thug that threatened any Republican who dared compromise on the state budget?

Seems consistent with being Rove's puppet.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 04:28 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. I think Jim Brulte = Tom DeLay.
He needs taking down. None of this would have happened without these strings being pulled.

Californians for the most part HATE Jim Brulte. He needs to be made the face of this recall along with Bush and Rove.
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DBoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 04:57 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Another face to the recall
The star of "Grand Theft Auto", Darrell Issa
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 05:02 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. he may have been just a pawn.
used and thrown away.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 07:44 PM
Response to Reply #8
14. Well... Issa was being
advised by Ben Ginsberg, Bush's recount guy in Florida, who is now part of his 2004 campaign team.

This is definitely a WH overthrow of California.
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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 04:27 PM
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2. Brulte & Rover
Edited on Fri Aug-08-03 04:27 PM by SoCalDem


Blue State woes  -  Joe Chip - @ 04:47:15

The recall campaign against Gray Davis in California is starting to gather more steam, and Democrats are starting to take notice. The problem is, no Democrats in the state really like Gray Davis. Davis won re-election to the governor's seat in California last November mostly because Bill Simon, the GOP candidate, was such a worthless punk.Davis' problems are coming at him from every direction. At the beginning of his first term, CA was so flush with cash that taxes were cut and services were improved. Now, it's another story. The unfunded mandates from George Bush (R - champion of states' rights) and the energy scam perpetrated by Enron have pushed California to the point of bankruptcy.

Now, A CA legislator, Darrel Issa, a right-wing, pro-business, anti-choice, Christian fundamentalist, has put up millions of his own dollars to try to recall Governor Davis. Democrats have not been quick to come to Davis' aid. Senator Dianne Feinstein has urged people not to sign the recall petition but she has not come to Davis' aid directly. Gray Davis is a figure that all Californians love to hate. The last year of his term has been incredibly bad for California, but who's fault is it, really? Everyone knows that California, with its 55 electoral votes, is a key to winning the presidential election (unless your brother is the governor of a highly contested state like Florida). Why is California the only state with a recall campaign aimed at the governor? California has had it's troubles, for sure, and Gray Davis has never been a lovable character, but most states are having to increase income, sales and property taxes to cover the unfunded mandates from George Bush.

When George Bush went to California last October to campaign for Bill Simon, everyone knew it was because having a Republican governor would provide a big advantage in GOP campaigning in a traditionally Blue state. The Bush administration had done all it could to hurt Davis beforehand. The secret Enron meetings with Dick Cheney are being hidden, and we all know what happened there. The problem for the GOP is, Davis still won. Now what? Find a rich California Republican willing to launch a recall campaign to oust Gray Davis with his own money, even though Davis had just been re-elected. The Republicans, emboldened by their theft of the election in 2000, refuse to lose. As a recent article in says,

But for Republicans in George W. Bush's America, defeat is not an option. If the vote in Florida goes against you, make them stop counting the ballots. If the Senate Democrats won't confirm your most extreme judicial nominees, change the rules so they can't filibuster anymore. If Texas Democrats won't show up to vote on your crudely partisan redistricting plan, tell the federal Homeland Security forces to hunt 'em down and bring 'em in. The GOP cares not one bit about the legitimate electoral process, nor the existing Constitution that has guided our country for over 200 years.

Right now, it's very questionable about who will win. Will the recall even happen? Will the GOP win if it happens? Will Arnold Schwarzenegger dip his toes into the governor's race? He's popular but he's also very liberal, despite GOP claims. He's pro-choice, pro gay adoption and pro gun control. Will California Republicans vote for this guy based on those positions? I doubt it. It seems to come down to Issa or nothing, and that is looking a lot better for Davis. Issa is perceived as a far-right-wing candidate, something California has always abhorred.

There are still legal questions to be answered, too.

Ben Ginsberg, a GOP lawyer instrumental in the Bush vs. Gore litigation, is representing Issa against allegations that his funding of the recall campaign violates federal campaign finance laws. And the Los Angeles Weekly reported this week that Karl Rove has been talking with Republican California state Sen. Jim Brulte about recall-related strategy. (Brulte's office flatly denied the charge Thursday, saying that Brulte had specifically avoided talking with the White House about the recall to avoid such allegations.)

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David Zephyr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 04:27 PM
Response to Original message
3. Jim Brulte Has Never Had a Non-Political Job in His Life.
He is the biggest joke of all as a man and as an American citizen.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 04:43 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. The GOOD thing is that so many despise him
and know him well enough to wary of his agenda.

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Wednesdays Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 04:58 PM
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7. STOLEN ELECTION 2004 is the goal!
Wow...did they ever uncover a lot of eye-opening info over at the BC forum! Read about the Brulte-Rove-Ginsburg-Issa connections!
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 05:03 PM
Response to Reply #7
9. COOL....
Thanks Wednesdays. I'll bring more info over for Grannyc.....

We have a fire to fuel.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 05:06 PM
Response to Original message
10. more...

>>>>>>>But that all changed when Senate Republican leader Jim Brulte declared that he would punish any Republicans who voted for a tax increase by going all-out to defeat them in a Republican primary.
It was surprising because Brulte has a relatively moderate reputation, playing to reporters with off-the-record jests distancing himself from his party’s more caveman tendencies. Yet there he was, scuttling a brewing budget deal by drawing a cavemanesque line in the sand on taxes that the business community did not. On the other hand, it’s a sound strategy for Republicans because the more trouble Davis has getting a credible budget, the less likely it is that his anemic 21 percent approval rating goes up and the more likely it is that the voters fire him.
It’s probable that the White House played a role in Brulte’s hard-line approach on taxes. The Weekly has learned that Brulte has been consulting with White House political guru Karl Rove on the Davis recall, which Brulte does not deny. One of the sophisticated overseers of the state’s frequently fractious Republican Party, Brulte had shied from the recall movement, but his move on tax policy is the most aggressive step yet by a Republican establishment leader to destabilize the Davis administration. Bush’s chief campaign counsel, Ben Ginsberg, the Florida recount strategist, has already joined the recall effort.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 05:09 PM
Response to Original message
11. No WH connection - MY ASS!!!!!

Ken Mehlman, Campaign Manager for Bush-Cheney '04, Inc., announced several members of the senior campaign staff today.
Kelley McCullough will serve as Deputy to the Campaign Manager for Campaign Operations. Prior to joining the campaign, McCullough was the Republican National Committee's Regional Political Director for the South and Director of Political Education. McCullough served as Associate Director of Political Affairs for the White House from January 2001 to January 2002. McCullough also worked as the Alabama Director for Karl Rove + Company from 1997 to 2000.
Terry Nelson will serve as Political Director. Nelson was the Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of Political Operations for the RNC prior to joining the campaign. Nelson also worked as the Political Director for the National Republican Congressional Committee during the 2000 election cycle. Previously, Nelson served as the NRCC's National Field Director and as a Regional Political Director. He was also Campaign Manager for Congressman Jim Nussle and served as Majority Staff Director of the Iowa Senate.
Nicolle Devenish will serve as Communications Director. Prior to joining the campaign, Devenish was Special Assistant to the President and Director of Media Affairs at the White House where she oversaw regional press strategy and outreach. Devenish was Florida Governor Jeb Bush's Press Secretary in 1999 and Communications Director for the Florida State Technology Office in 2000. Devenish also served California's Assembly Republican Caucus from 1997 to 1998 and worked for the California Republican Party in 1998.
Mathew Dowd will serve as Senior Strategist. Currently, Dowd is the Senior Advisor to the Republican National Committee. Dowd served as Director of Polling and Media Planning for the Bush-Cheney 2000 campaign. Prior to the 2000 campaign, Dowd served as President and Founding Partner of Public Strategies Inc., an international public affairs firm based in Austin, Texas.
Thomas J. Josefiak will serve as General Counsel to the campaign. Josefiak was the chief counsel to the RNC where he served from1992 to 2003. Josefiak was appointed to a six-year term as Commissioner on the Federal Election Commission in 1985. He served as FEC Chairman during the 1988 presidential election and as Vice Chairman of the FEC and Chairman of its Finance Committee in 1987. Prior to his appointment as FEC Commissioner, Josefiak was Special Deputy to the Secretary of the Senate and represented the Secretary at the FEC from 1981 to 1985.
Ben Ginsberg will serve as chief outside counsel, as he did for the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.
Paid for by Bush-Cheney 2004 <<<<<<<<<<

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Then we drop to the ISSA and DAVIS RECALL CAMPAIGN.
>>>>>>>Indeed, the use of a right-wing cabal of political and business leaders to overturn the results of a democratic election are not methods foreign to either the Republican Party or the Bush White House. The tactics being used by Issa and the California Republicans echo those employed at the national level in the impeachment trial of Clinton and in the 2000 election Florida recount. Issa has hired Ben Ginsberg, the lead counsel for the Bush team in the 2000 Florida recount, as his senior legal advisor in the recall campaign.<<
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 05:12 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. more...
we also know now why the Boston Globe has always been so hard on Kerry all these years. Ginsberg...longtime GOP operative.

Ben Ginsberg, attorney
Ben Ginsberg is Bush’s campaign fund-raising legal adviser. He is a former counsel to the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee. Ginsberg is also a former reporter for The Boston Globe. He is a partner at Patton Boggs, a Washington, D.C., law firm.
Florida Court Decides

Tuesday, November 21, 2000
(This is an unedited, uncorrected transcript.)
Prepared by Burrelle’s Information Services, which takes sole responsibility for accuracy of transcription.
TED KOPPEL, ABCNEWS On the face of it, the unanimous decision handed down late this evening by the Supreme Court of Florida constitutes a victory for Vice President Gore. It does not mean that he has won the election, but it does mean that he’s still in the game. The pendulum which has been swinging wildly back and forth, favoring first one candidate then the other, has settled, at least for the moment, in favor of the vice president.
TED KOPPEL We heard a little bit earlier in this program from an attorney for the Gore campaign. Joining us now, Ben Ginsberg. He is an attorney for the Bush campaign, and he joins us from Tallahassee.
Jim Baker, just a few minutes ago, was saying that it’s unfair to change the rules in the middle of the game, and your campaign may have to seek other remedies. Since you are one of the lawyers, what other remedies are open to you?
BEN GINSBERG, BUSH CAMPAIGN ADVISER Well, there’s a variety of remedies that we can seek in—in a number of different forms. I think it’s probably premature to speculate on anything specifically, but when you get a ruling like the one we’ve just had in which a court essentially becomes both the legislative and executive branch, that raises a host of injustices that frankly need to be—need to be redressed.
-rest at link

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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 06:27 PM
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13. Ca DUers bump.
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