The Democratic party, as we know it, is headed full steam ahead towards extinction. We have allowed the Republicans to bully us at every turn From impeachment in 1998, to Florida in 2000, to re-districting in Texas, to recall now, time and time again, we've let open attacks happen on Clinton, Gore, and now Davis, and instead of rallying against these attacks, we've let the targets twist slowly in the wind. Only Clinton's pure political genius saved him. Any other Dem would have had to resign, and don't kid yourself, even if Clinton turned down Monica, the Republicans were going to find something else to impeach Clinton over.
Meanwhile, the Republicans have never been more united. Bush has been one of THE worst presidents in recent history, but not one, not one Republican will challenge him for the nomination. Everything they're criticizing Davis for, job loss, deficits, poor services has also happened on a much larger scale under Bush. When it come to CA's deficits, it's horrible. Bush's deficits? They don't matter. CA's job losses? Davis is at fault. Bush's job losses? A President can't control the economy. Clinton's lies about an affair? Ground for impeachment. Bush's lies about Iraqi WMD which has put us into a war and a subsequent quagmire? Bush is a strong leader.
While the Republicans lie, cheat and steal for Bush, the Democrats attack each other every day. We still haven't resolved the Greens/Dems split from 2000. Lieberman and other Dems are attacking Dean more than they're attacking Bush. Face it, the Democratic party is dying a fast death, and don't blame the media. The media didn't prevent the Democrats from attacking Clinton during impeachment. The media didn't prevent Democratic senators from signing the Black Caucus's petition to challenge the electors in 2000. The media isn't constantly harping about Davis. It's other Democrats.
Am I asking that all Democrats have blind loyalty? No, but I am asking Democrats to support other Democrats when they fall under attacks by Republicans. Clinton, Gore, and Davis all won elections fair and square. Like them or hate them, they won their respective elections, and yet that doesn't stop Republicans from removing them from office. What's worse is that we pile on with the Republicans.
Being a part of a political party sometimes means that you have to live with less than stellar leaders. If your litmus test is that every candidate has to be the next JFK, then you're going to be bitterly disappointed again and again. Sometimes it means that you have to get behind someone and shut your mouth about them. My fear is that we cannot be disciplined enough to do this.
The Republicans are a well-organized, discplined political force, and a disciplined force will defeat an undisciplined one time and time again.