Gov. Gray Davis soon will be sent AB 205, which will equate the rights and responsibilities domestic partnership and marriage in most respects. Thousands of same sex couples are registered domestic partners in this state. Davis will almost certainly sign this bill.
Arnold Schwarzenegger will be under tremendous pressure to speak out against it. When Bill Simon signed lukewarm pro-gay responses to a Log Cabin GOP questionnaire in 2002, it caused an outpouring of rage on the right. Simon pathetically recanted at that point. I predict Schwarzenegger will not speak out against it. The conservatives will rebel, fueling the candidacy of Simon or McClintock. While at this point many rightists are enthused about Scharzenegger, they will throw themselves into a vomitous rage when his pro-same sex couple viewpoints are aired.
If the field is mainly comprised of two Republicans and one Democrat, the odds are definitely in Davis' favor.
At this point, interested activists should make conservative talk radio, GOP officials and others aware of Schwazenegger's "liberal positions" including support for "same sex marriage, late term abortion, affirmative action, amnesty for illegal immigrants, and opposition to parental consent abortion laws for minors."