Looks like he has done quite well.
http://www.prweb.com/releases/2002/3/prweb35441.phpSNIP...."ABOUT STONEBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL. Stonebridge International LLC is a Washington-based global strategy firm, helping U.S. and multinational companies shape and execute results-oriented strategies to solve problems and seize business opportunities worldwide. Stonebridge Chairman Samuel R. Berger, former U.S. National Security Advisor, has unparalleled experience with today's foreign governments and corporate leaders and, together with Stonebridge President Anthony S. Harrington, former U.S. Ambassador to Brazil, has assembled leading regional and country experts to create winning business strategies. The Stonebridge Board of Advisors, led by Clayton Yeutter, former U.S. Trade Representative (1985-88) and Secretary of Agriculture (1989-1991), also works closely with the firm and brings high-level expertise in solving complex international problems. For more information, please visit our website at