http://republicansfordean.blogspot.comSaw this from a George Will column on there:
First, Mr. George Will had the following to say regarding the candidacy of Dr. Dean:
"Some in the White House believe that true independents -- those whose votes really are up for grabs, as distinguished from those who call themselves independents but almost always vote one way -- are only about 7 percent of the electorate.
If so, the 2004 election, even more than most elections, will turn on the parties' abilities to turn out their committed supporters. And some in the White House are beginning to worry about Dean because he understands that venting may be a practical precursor to governing: Venting energizes the party's base.
That is why some in the White House say they worry that Dean might be an especially dangerous opponent."
Hmmm... Maybe this explains why Rove is saying Dean is the candidate Bush wants to face? Trying a little Rovian reverse psychology, perhaps.