I can't agree with Ruppert 100% of the time. Perhaps 95%. But that's only because I myself cannot get my brain wrapped around most of the stuff Ruppert comes up with. I simply don't have knowledge, the tools, or the analytical savvy to fully understand what he comes up with. But simply put, Ruppert has been 95% CORRECT ABOUT ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING SO FAR. He called the Iraq Invasion two years ago. He's one of the leading proponents of "Peak Oil," and how we're all gonna be royally fucked sooner than even the oil companies are now admitting.
Over thirty members of Congress subscribe to his newsletter.
He's been my main "crusader" for getting to the truth of 9-11. He only uses "mainstream" publications, and documented evidence from several sources. It pisses me off how people still like to impugn this guy's credibility. And the worst of it comes from what he calls "the lily-livered Left."
He doesn't go into "no plane hit the Pentagon," or "explosives planted in the WTC Towers," only because as Ruppert simply puts it, "what for? The evidence is gone." He calls such speculation, or that "remote control flew the planes" as just so much "journalistic suicide."
I read up on him regularly and other so-called CT's. He's been the most right, most often, and, much like my other favorite CT, Greg Palast, sounds the most reasonable and sane at his live lectures.
If Skolnick is Goofus, then Ruppert is Gallant.
WE ALL should be reading his stuff and forwarding it around. The Captain does!
Captain Mike