I was watching Ken Burns' "Civil War" the other night, and Shelby Foote recounted a story that bears remembering as the bloodshed continues in Iraq.
Foote said that early on in the war, Union troops captured a half-starved, ragged-looking Confederate private. He clearly wasn't wealthy enough to own any slaves and probably didn't care much for the consitution one way or another.
"Hey, Reb," one of the Union soldiers asked, "How come you're fighting?"
"I'm fighting because you're down here," said the Confederate.
The Bush Administration has mesmerized itself into thinking that if we can just capture Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi people will become contented and complacent. The Administration simply doesn't get it. Any human being with a love of country will fight to the death to expel a foreign invader.
The Iraqi's will keep killing American GI's for as long as they remain in Iraq. Count on it.