Did you listen to Al talk on the road when they showed him on C-Span? Have you looked over his campaign site?
It's obvious that Al Sharpton has a better understanding of the issues than Arnie. :eyes:
Al Sharpton, for all his lows has done way more for the people than Arnie ever has or will do.
You know this sounds like a Democrat with some class if you ask me I bolded the part I really thinks shows he's running a top notch campaign.
And if you want to understand where Al's coming from read the book
'A More Perfect Union: Advancing New American Rights' by Jesse Jackson Jr.http://www.al2004.org/topten.htm "I'm running to revive and reclaim our democracy -
and to make America "A More Perfect Union."
Everywhere I go throughout America during this campaign I will be challenging and urging students and grassroots activists, local city councils and mayors, county commissioners and school boards,state legislators and governors - as well as local and national leaders and organizations - to pass proclamations and resolutions, and to lobby Congress to support the four amendments in my platform: the RIGHT to vote (H.J. Res. 28), the RIGHT to a public education of equal high quality (H.J. Res. 29), the RIGHT to health care of equal high quality (H.J. Res. 30), and the ERA, equal RIGHTS for women (H.J. Res. 31).
And, yes, I will challenge members of the U.S. House and Senate - and all the presidential candidates - to support this legislation. This campaign will serve as a launching pad and beginning for a new human rights and constitutional rights movement in this country. We are going to fight for each of these amendments - one at a time - throughout this campaign and beyond.
I'm running to win, and nobody knows - until they are actually nominated in Boston in July, 2004 - who will win the Democratic nomination and be elected President in 2004. We do know that only ONE of us will win.
And if I do not secure the nomination, I vow to support any of the Democratic candidates running, over George W. Bush or any other Republican presidential nominee.
But if I can help to advance this 10-point agenda, my campaign, the Democratic Party, and the American people will all have won and been well served. This platform provides a rationale for my running, and gives meaning and uniqueness to my campaign.
Other Democratic candidates are running on a platform of good PROGRAMS - most of which I support. I'm running on a platform of HUMAN RIGHTS and CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS that will greatly benefit ALL of the American people. Rev. Al Sharpton's
Top Ten
I'm running for President to:
1.Raise issues that would otherwise be overlooked—for
example, affirmative action, anti-death penalty policy, African and Caribbean policy.
2.Increase political consciousness and awareness.
3.Stimulate more people to get involved in the political process.
4.Increase voter registration.
5.Strengthen our REAL national security by fighting for human rights, the rule of law, and economic justice at home and abroad.
6.Fulfill American democracy by supporting voting rights or statehood for the 600,000 disenfranchised citizens of the District of Columbia.
7.Declare the RIGHT TO VOTE A HUMAN RIGHT and supporting H.J.Res. 28, a constitutional amendment.
8.Declare EDUCATION A HUMAN RIGHT and supporting H.J. Res. 29, a constitutional amendment.
9.Declare HEALTH CARE A HUMAN RIGHT and supporting H.J. Res. 30, a constitutional amendment.
10.Rejuvenate the idea of putting AN EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT FOR WOMEN (ERA) in the Constitution and supporting H.J.Res. 31, a constitutional amendment.