Have you noticed a shifting political scene emerging over the last two months?? The candidate who can plug into it and play it correctly wins the White House---the other dude loses.
Remember the barstool patriots of this nation who cheered the rush to war and called those who knew the war was a fraud "traitors", "un-American", etc.? Do you recall that they would spit in our faces and scream how WMD's did not make any difference because our beloved president was bringing "Dee-Mock-rah-see" to the poor, abused Iraqis?? Well, have you noticed the change in these clowns? They are the ones who now spew that the prison abuses are a joke and such punishment and more should be dealt out to the "ungrateful" rag-heads (think Limbaugh). They are mouthing sentiments about letting all the bastards blow themselves to hell because they won't throw flowers at our soldiers and worship the ground the Americans walk on. In fact Chris (Tweety) Matthews revealed something a couple weeks ago on his weekend show.
He said he was spending a lot of time visiting family and friends in PA who were all big Republicans (hmmm). He said it was no use talking to them about how it's so much better to be governed by Republicans because of lower taxes and less government (double hmmmmm). He said that the only thing they were concerned about was the Iraq War because they are now asking themselves "what's in it for ME"!!! (how very republican!).
On the other side of things are the people who protested this war. They look at the carnage and say that we cannot just walk away and abandon these people---we broke it, we fix it. In a word, this whole issue has just been turned upside down. Bush has to keep screaming "stay the course" or he looks weak (you know, the Manly Man image thing). Of course, he's also going to look for ways to cut and run. I did see a blurb that Kerry said he's going to emphasize "security on the homefront over bringing democracy to other nations" (or something to that effect). So Kerry is sensing what is going on and trying to play to it: i.e, when it comes down to it, the Americans always return to "me first". The guy who can play to the "me first" will win----but they both risk angering their base if they do (repukes want to leave but George has to play cowboy to promote his image; Dems want to stay and help but Kerry has to court the "me, me" vote. Interesting. My take is that Kerry has months to be flexible. George has himself boxed in.