<snip>After refusing the presidency, Pachachi told a news conference that he was not a stooge of the US-led forces, formally known as the Coalition Provisional Authority, but he had been opposed by "certain parties" because of his "democratic and liberal" views.
"It is a lie ... that the Coalition Provisional Authority wanted to impose me as president," he said. "It's wrong, I was never the CPA candidate, they had another candidate."
Outside the heavily fortified compound where the CPA and the governing council had their headquarters, at least three security guards were killed and 20 people were wounded in a car bomb attack on the offices of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).
The governor of Najaf meanwhile said that US troops would halt patrols in the city and withdraw to five bases in the city under a new truce with Moqtada Sadr's Mehdi Army.
more...Gullible Americans will fall for this crap. But I doubt the Iraqis will.