Fate of 'BioShield' Bill for Anti-Terror Drugs Unclear
Congress this week is expected to take up a $6 billion bill for developing tests, treatments and vaccines against bioterrorism. Known as Project BioShield, the plan aims to create research incentives for the private sector. But many drug and biotech firms say without protections from potential lawsuits, the bill won't do much to stimulate drug development. Hear NPR's Julie Rovner. http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgDate=01-Jun-2004&prgId=3It was just so fascistic. We have this fear of terrorism, and corporations are using it to argue that they shouldn't have to develop their drugs so that they're less likely to kill people. What they want is guaranteed profits.
It's just so sick.
Of course, NPR interviewed two drug industry reps, and interviewed nobody who said, hmm, maybe it's not a good idea to do this.
Write your congressperson and beg them not to subsidize big pharma profits with the welfare of Americans. Hell, we're giving them 6 billion dollars. The least they can do is come up with safe products. I'm willing to pay for that.