Conservatism is an attempt to crush all opposition.
The groupthink crap of the Reagan years really illuminated lots of this: it's the greatest country ever, if you're not making it here, you're a defective. Just as those who couldn't see Jesus' beauty in "The Passion" were defectives, those who don't see the unbounded beauty of this country are sick.
If you're not making it here, you're lazy, stupid, self-indulgent or just plain substandard. Hence, many will always shut up and not admit their troubles, since it shows one to be inferior. It doesn't shock me in the least to see conservative being unwilling to complain about the price of gasoline: real men are doing just fine; only losers are having financial troubles.
There's nothing more pathetic than a poor Republican.
I get around a bit, and one of the weird subcultures I'm part of is model builders. This is a group of mostly male, and largely conservative types. The anger and sanctimoniousness on some of these sites is amazing these days. Here are a bunch of guys sniveling about whether "the wife" will allow them to pay $300.00 for a limited-run multi-media ship kit, yet they are staunch Bush supporters trumpeting the genius of this man's courageous stance against the envious world. Yick.
As a white male, I'm just embarrassed by many of my kind. De Tocqueville was right: it's just peer-pressure group tyranny, and it's tiresome. Couple this with the traditional male "independence", and you have a bunch of primitives who can't stop and ask for directions, never admit a mistake and have to strut and bluster like idiots all the time.
Real men can admit mistakes. Real men can admit failings. Real men don't need to rig the system to screw other people. Real men feel some responsibility for fellow humans who are down on their luck. Real men don't feel the need to belittle, ridicule or dismiss everyone else. It's the posturing of masculinity that proves the character failings of the posturer.