In today's paper, two articles each brought a question to mind: 1) In the "investigation" into the US military firing on the Baghdad hotel and killing a Reuter's reporter in the earlier days of the invasion, the conclusion was that "they acted appropriately" as if an y other "finding" would come out of the inquiry. The reason given was that the troops were under heavy fire from somewhere and it was being directed by a spotter in the hotel. I thought I remember the "reason" given up 'til now was that the weapons fire was coming FROM the hotel. Now, I certainly do not think that the military changed their story to fit a fact they could create, but shouldn't they be called on this? 2) The article about the attempt to smuggle a SAM missle into the US (supposedly to attack an aircraft) and the arrest of a Brit (our faithful allies) who allegedly tried to sell it to a government agent posing as (ta da) "a Muslim extremist." My question is - where are the 2nd ammendment nuts who think that their toys will be taken away if any gun control is implemented? I guess it is OK if those evil Muslims do not have any rights.